In her sparsely attended speech at Georgetown University this week, Hillary Clinton gave attendees a glimpse of her views on foreign policy and national defense by saying America should empathize with its enemies.
This leads to a natural question: How does one “empathize” with ISIS terrorists who are currently beheading and crucifying their way across the Middle East?
Ed Morrissey of Hot Air:
It’s difficult to know where to start with this nonsense from a recent speech given by Hillary Clinton, in which the presumed Democratic front-runner finally defines what she sees as “smart power,” and what she claims is a 21st-century approach to diplomacy. In large part, the former Secretary of State says it means psychoanalyzing enemies to understand them better, which … is exactly what nations have been doing for centuries, if not millenia.
Watch the video:
This world view reminds me of another Democrat who’s not running in 2016:
Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick.
Back in 2007, Patrick caused a stir by suggesting the attacks of September 11 were caused by “a failure of human understanding.”
Matt Viser of the Boston Globe reported:
Patrick fends off critics of 9/11 speechGovernor Deval Patrick tried yesterday to fend off criticism he has received over his Sept. 11 memorial service speech, when he said the terrorist attacks six years ago resulted in part from “a failure of human understanding.””Frankly, I was taught in my church that all violent attack is a failure of human understanding,” he said during an appearance on WTKK-FM radio yesterday. “The families, in the time I spent with them that day after the ceremony, were just absolutely lovely and appreciative.”Presiding over the state’s memorial ceremonies for the first time, Patrick on Tuesday morning called the events of Sept. 11, 2001, “a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the United States.”But it was also about the failure of human beings to understand each other and to learn to love each other,” he said. “It seems to me that lesson [of] that morning is something that we must carry with us every day.”
Doesn’t that sound familiar?
Terrorists are just mean and nasty so we should empathize with them. Right?
Featured image via YouTube.