Berkeley protesters bum rush stage, shut down speech because #Ferguson

Does it really matter who it was?

Could have been anyone.

It was Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal. And no, it wasn’t because of the high fees.

Via The Blaze:

Billionaire investor and PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel was forced offstage at the University of California, Berkeley, on Wednesday after Ferguson and Eric Garner demonstrators barged into the room and took over.Protesters banged on doors of the lecture hall where Thiel was speaking, causing the audience to grow more and more uneasy as the noise continued to get louder. Then, a male student inside the lecture hall stood up, yelled “F*** you” at Thiel and left.

Business Insider further reports:

But after about 20 minutes, protesters came banging on the doors, interrupting the speech multiple times. A sense of panic seemed to be overtaking the surprised audience, but Thiel went on and continued through the Q&A.At about 7:30 p.m. PT, the sound of protests and door banging got louder. The entire crowd at Wheeler Hall turned eerily silent — until one male student suddenly rose up and yelled at Thiel.”F–k you!” the guy shouted as he walked out of the hall.After a few seconds of silence, Thiel, in his quiet, calm voice, said: “This is really a classic Berkeley event today — this is so cool!”Although Thiel insisted on going on with the Q&A, the protests got too loud at that point. Moments later, the doors finally gave in and protesters took over the stage.The protesters held signs of “Ferguson” and “Black lives matter.” Some shouted, “NSA’s got to go!”The crowd booed the protesters and shouted “Peter Thiel matters!”

This is what, America looks like.

Sooner or later, someone’s going to get hurt.

Tags: Ferguson