Austin Police Chief: We need to vet gun enthusiasts

Last week,49-year-old Larry McQuilliam went on a ten minute shooting spree in Austin, Texas.

The only fatality was the shooter himself, when a mounted Austin police officer dropped McQuilliam from 312 feet with a single, strong handed, shot.

McQulliam unleashed approximately 100 rounds in an attempt to shoot up a federal courthouse and Mexican Consulate. He had the words “Let Me Die” written on his chest in marker.

According to CNN:

He said investigators found a map that included 34 locations marked as targets in McQuilliams’ possessions.The majority of the locations were either government buildings, including the ones that he attacked, or financial institutions, Acevedo said. The map included two churches.Investigators also found a book, “Vigilantes Of Christendom,” the police chief said. Inside the book was a handwritten note that discussed McQuilliams’ rank as a “priest in the fight against anti-God” people, Acevedo said.According to Christopher Combs, special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Antonio division, McQuilliams had mentioned to some people that he was upset because he couldn’t find a job and because, in his view, immigrants were able to get more services than he was.Authorities believe McQuilliams acted alone.

Following the shooting, Austin Police Chief, Art Acevedo held a press conference and encouraged Austonians to rat out gun enthusiasts for vetting (emphasis added).

“Folks, let me tell you what keeps me up at night, it’s these guys. It’s these homegrown extremists that are lone wolves, that are mad at the world, that are angry. And that’s why it’s important for us as Americans to know our neighbors, know our families. Tell somebody. If you know somebody that’s acting with a lot of hatred towards a particular group especially if you know somebody who’s a gun enthusiast or they’re armed with this type of fire arms and they’re showing any type of propensity for hatred, doesn’t mean that we’re going to go and take them to jail, but we might want to vet these people. He may well be alive today had we had the opportunity to do that.”

You can watch his remarks here:

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Tags: Gun Control