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Ungrateful UnKoch Week at College Insurrection

Ungrateful UnKoch Week at College Insurrection

Higher Ed! Can’t live with it, can’t live without it … on second thought.

Ungrateful, and not objecting to liberal and progressive donors:

This is offensive on campus:

Sexy Ph.D

This is not:

[You didn’t really think we were going to post a photo, did you?]

Now you want privacy, Harvard students?

And I thought it was money and the desire to win games:

Guilty until proven guilty:

If no one is really responsible for anything, how do you explain the preceding links?

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t:

Higher Ed Bubble:

I feel this way every time I try to fit into my suits:

Somehow this doesn’t seem right:

What is the opposite of the patriarchy?

Basically, everything:

So tell me again who is most dangerous?

Nanny state:

Rub it in their faces:

So simple, even college students can understand:

Water is wet! Water is wet!

Nice knowing ya, Britain:

Don’t try this at home. In fact, don’t try this at all:


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Sexy lady, but not slutty tramp. That is the problem.

Homophobia is a projected psychopathy that is evidence of a latent denial of evolutionary principles. It is most likely to be exhibited by women and men who equate evolution from conception and approaching death. Pro-choice is a selective ideology that is designed to reduce cognitive dissonance of women and men in this class.

That said, womb banks and sperm depositors, progress. There are diverse ways to degrade individual dignity and devalue human life.

MouseTheLuckyDog | November 8, 2014 at 3:54 pm

There’s a photo?

Don’t like the costume either. The gown is far too long.