Sick: BDS groups spread photoshop of Concentration Camp inmates holding anti-Israel signs

We are dealing with some really sick minds when it comes to the proponents of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement propaganda machine.

The latest is from a group with over 91,000 Facebook fans, called “I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists.”

That phrase is an integral part of the BDS movement, which falsely seeks to portray Israel as the equivalent of apartheid South Africa. That claim of Apartheid status was the founding propaganda principle of the BDS movement, which was started at the anti-Semitic 2001 Durban conference.

The group has posted a photoshop of Nazi concentration camp inmates holding anti-Israel signs, on its Facebook page. It’s unclear if the group created it, or is just promoting it.

The image is being spread by others as well, such as the Central NY Committee for Justice in Palestine:

[Note 11-28-2014 10:15 p.m. – sometime tonight CNYCJP removed the image after complaints were posted in its comments in response to Legal Insurrection’s coverage, and after the image was CNYCJP’s Facebook page for about two days the cache version of the post is here]

To compare, as they often do, Israel’s response to Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket fire from Gaza to the systematic industrialized extermination of Europe’s Jewish population not only is grossly inaccurate, it reflects a commitment to demonizing and dehumanizing Israel beyond a political or military dispute.

This propaganda reflects the evil and sick nature of the people behind the BDS movement. While I’m all in favor of dialogue, I don’t know how you try to reason with people like that, who have lost all touch with reality and truth.


Don’t think that this image is an aberration. Leading anti-Israel activists like Max Blumenthal seek to portray Palestinians as the victims of the Holocaust.

It is that comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany that caused an uproar over Blumenthal’s appearance in at a German Bundestag committee event.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, GreenStar Food Coop, Israel, Max Blumenthal