Yes, we are covering the elections tonight focusing — obviously — on the U.S. Senate races, plus a small number of Governorships, primarily Florida and Wisconsin.
We’ll also cover selected House races and miscellaneous other results.
We haven’t decided the format yet (that’s how organized we are) but it is sure to be FUN AND EXCITING as in past years.
We may even bring out the Nukes. (Do any longtime readers know what I’m talking about?)
The current plan is to cover the Senate races in two waves based on closing times, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern with a second post at 9 p.m. Eastern, with a separate post for Governorships and the House.
What do you think?
One large post with everything it it, or an attempt to bring order to it all through separate posts based on Senate, Governorships, and the House?
Want to know what I’m predicting for the Senate? (I’ll let you know after the results are in.)