Obama Teases New Immigration Plan
Try to contain your excitement.

Because the suspense was apparently killing everyone, today President Obama’s team released a video message from the man himself letting everyone know that the Constitution has but one day left to live tomorrow night (THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY!) he will reveal his plan to “fix our broken immigration system.”
Our immigration system has been broken for decades — and every minute we fail to act, millions of people who live in the shadows but want to play by the rules and pay taxes have no way to live right by the law and contribute to our country.
So tomorrow night, President Obama will address the nation to lay out the executive actions he’s taking to fix our broken immigration system. You can watch the President live tomorrow night at 8 p.m. ET at WhiteHouse.gov/Live.
This is a step forward in the President’s plan to work with Congress on passing common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. He laid out his principles for that reform two years ago in Del Sol High School in Las Vegas — and that’s where he’ll return on Friday to discuss why he is using his executive authority now, and why Republicans in Congress must act to pass a long-term solution to immigration reform.
The Senate passed a bipartisan bill more than 500 days ago, and while the country waits for House Republicans to vote, the President will act — like the Presidents before him — to fix our immigration system in the ways that he can.
We’ll be here to cover the announcement and tease out the details of his plan tomorrow night.

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“No way to live right by the law”?!?!? What is he smoking? These illegal aliens are unable to go back where they came from and get at the end of the line?
I hate this man and what he is doing to our country ~
They chose not to live by the law.
Even when they are given the chance to “live right by the law” they still don’t do it.
Case in point: North Carolina did a spot audit of its voter registration rolls just before the mid-terms. They found 145 DACA (“Dreamer”) amnesty applicants had illegally registered to vote in the state.
Google the NC voter registration form and you will see that Question No. 1 is: “Are you a U.S. citizen?” The form then tells you, in bright red capital letters, that if you are not a U.S. citizen you are not eligible to vote, and must not complete or submit the voter registration application.
Yet 145 illegal alien DACA amnesty recipients ignored the law and submitted their voter registration applications anyway. (And keep in mind, that was just what was found in one state).
Because illegal aliens just want the chance to be good, law-abiding Americans . . . in somebody’s fantasy world.
Did they cancel those illegal registrations? I heard nothing about that, only the fact that they were found.
Turned over to some board for investigation. NC has gone full GOP with one glaring exception – our state AG since the 2000 cycle has been Roy Cooper, a Democrat, and he’ll stonewall anything resembling action in support of our new voter ID law, which doesn’t go into effect until 2016. He refused to defend NC’s DOMA law.
IF I can find an hour, I’ll fisk that lie-fest from Barracula.
Because it is a dense-pack of lies, and it deserves to be illuminated.
It ALSO deserves a revolt.
“A riot is an ugly zhing… Und I think that it is just about time that we had one!”
—Insp. Kemp, The Young Frankenstein
I’m sensing a game of chicken between Obama and Congress.
Congress already lost.
They won’t shut down the gov’t.
They won’t use the power of the purse.
What’s left?
For over a month I’ve been pushing a realistic action plan to stop amnesty. I’m not relying on Boehner doing anything, or relying on fantastic things happening.
What I do need but haven’t gotten yet is for anti-amnesty leaders to back the plan. If they back the plan, we can do something about Obama’s announcement.
Here’s how to make anti-amnesty leaders back the plan: http://24ahead.com/n/12083
In order to make that happen, all I need is for enough people to send out tweets as described at the link. If a hundred people send out a few tweets each, we can do something about what Obama plans to do. Otherwise, he’ll go big while most people sat around and did nothing to stop him.
John Boehner can cry at them.
Our commander in chief works to keep the border open. His promises to act alone (against an electorate that has dumped Democrats to historically low levels), invites more lawbreakers to come here and add to the problem. He even releases violent felons from prison, if they are illegals.
The borders are deliberately broken by Obama, which is a huge part of the system he cries about being broken. Once they come across illegally, Obama bussed them to any city they wanted. That is NOT living in shadows.
“However I do realize that increasing our population in the United States by 22 million people will have lasting negative environmental consequences. Therefore I am establishing a special branch of the Department Of Homeland Security that will be in charge of deportations.
This special branch will deport one Republican for every undocumented guest that will be allowed to live in our country and enjoy the benefits of liberty and freedom. These undocumented guests will become documented guests and will be given drivers license. work permits, EBT cards, and voter registration cards. We feel that if they receive tax dollars they should have a vote and a voice on the generation and distribution of those tax dollars.”
Together we are building a New America.”
Thank you.
B. Obama.
That’s a joke, right? Tell me that’s not a genuine announcement. TELL ME IT’S A JOKE, DAMMIT.
Wasn’t that 50 Republicans for every one-quarter illegal alien?
Obama teasing? We need Branco do to a cartoon of Obama as the “Three Stooges” going Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck.
Obama has a K-12 education reform plan that is all about gaining his desired fundamental transformation by targeting perception of reality. http://www.invisibleserfscollar.com/changing-the-filtering-perception-the-way-we-see-the-world-is-key/
Now he intends to add to those attempted transformations a horde of new potential voters who already have many of the desired perceptions.
Before anyone says they will not be voting, I get the weekly newsletter of the radical Leadership Council. They are pushing the Justice Department to treat request for ids or suspicious voting and scrutiny at the polling place as illegal profiling by ethnicity. There truly is a desire to get as many as possible voting in 2016.
They are stakeholders after all in economic justice theory. They want what others have and wish the government to provide it.
I wouldn’t watch him give another speech if my eyes were taped open.
To paraphrase Weird Al: “I’d rather clean all the toilets in Grand Central Station with my tongue that watch another Obama speech.
I can see the urgency. I mean, the status quo is such a crisis in both the US and Mexico that the way of life both sides of the border is threatened unless we legalize everyone here illegally. Maybe he should declare a state of emergency.
57 states of emergency.
At least… “Corpse man….!!!”
They could show Bo tomorrow night taking a dump on the new Oval Office carpet. That pretty much sums up where we are at, doesn’t it.
Wow! preeezy on FB announcing is primetime address! How preeezidential! And by the way, prezboy, get your assssssssssssssssssssssss off the Resolute desk!
“Our immigration system has been broken for decades…”
Then you screwed the pooch when you didn’t fix it back in 2008-2010 when nobody could have stopped you, you lying SOS.
“…and every minute we fail to act, millions of people who live in the shadows…”
That’s bogus as hell. They don’t “live in the shadows”. They live, BY CHOICE, in DEFIANCE of our laws. THAT’S nobody’s fault but their own.
“…but want to play by the rules and pay taxes have no way to live right by the law and contribute to our country.”
THAT’s another obvious lie. IF they want to pay taxes, they sure can. IF they want to “contribute”, there is NOTHING stopping them. INSTEAD, they INTENTIONALLY sign up for programs EXCLUSIVE to American citizens by using stolen identities, with the SPECIFIC intention of ANTI-contributing. They DO “contribute” disproportionately to crime, including drunk driving.
“President Obama will address the nation to lay out the executive actions he’s taking to fix our broken immigration system.”
No, the opposite is true. He will issue another ILLEGAL invitation for more low-intensity invaders to come here to take advantage of our national madness. Bags are being packed all over Central America today.
“This is a step forward in the President’s plan to work with Congress on passing common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform.”
This is so sad. Anybody who buys any part of that is just past stupid. Common sense calls for the border to be controlled. Common sense calls for employers of low-intensity invaders to be EFFECTIVELY prohibited from benefiting by their collusion with invasion.
“The Senate passed a bipartisan bill more than 500 days ago, and while the country waits for House Republicans to vote, the President will act — like the Presidents before him — to fix our immigration system in the ways that he can.”
Except he can’t. Not legally. Not according to his own words. Not according to his oath of office.
And if the eGOP won’t stop this using EVERY means available, we need to take it in our own hands.
No mas.
That’s why we should call him the King of the Strawmen.
Well said.
Spitting in the faces of immigrants who do it right once again. What a surprise.
My friends who have suffered the consequences of Social Security fraud and identity theft by people who shouldn’t be here will be delighted.
Yeah they want to pay taxes that’s funny. They are so eager to get in to the tax system that they are already filing fraudulently and getting back refunds on taxes they never paid.
Those are “tax credits” they receive, not refunds. To get a tax refund, you actually have to pay taxes, which the vast majority of illegal aliens do not do. “Tax credits” are payments from the U.S. Treasury. They are typically paid to low-income tax filers, often those who claim to have lots of dependent children.
For years, the IRS has been paying billions of dollars a year in “tax credits” to known illegal aliens. Many of the “tax credits” are for non-existent children back in the illegals’ home country. It’s an easy scam, because the IRS doesn’t have any way to verify how many (if any) dependent children the illegal alien has. Of course, the IRS isn’t really interested in detecting illegal alien tax scammers, or else they wouldn’t be sending thousands of checks to a single address, or paying out billions of obviously phony “tax credits” in the first place. (I read a newspaper article once about a 21-year old Mexican illegal alien tax filer who claimed to have 24 dependent children; the IRS paid him tax credits for all 24 of them, without batting an eye).
BTW, the House passed a bill to stop the IRS from paying billions of dollars a year in “tax credits” to known illegal aliens, but Senator Harry Reid has repeatedly prevented the bill from being voted on in the Senate. Next to Obama, Harry Reid is the illegal aliens’ best friend (and U.S. taxpayers’ worst enemy) — and that’s probably the reason Obama’s next amnesty lawlessness is going to be announced in Harry’s home state.
President Obama won’t even slow down, crossing the Rubicon.
When you can walk on water, you don’t need no lookin’ down.
You jus’ keep on truckin’…
The messiah … he’s so black, he’s so cool, he’ll walk across your swimming pool.
The Democrats may be committing suicide as an electoral party. However, if you have the power to rule by decree in violation of those quaint things called laws, and if the Constitution does not have any practical effect; who needs to be an electoral party? See Las Vegas speech tomorrow.
Caudillismo is more efficient at funneling graft than voting.
Bonus Question: What is the proper response to the speech tomorrow and the continuing invasion from south of the former US border in the absence of electoral, legislative, or judicial remedies?
Subotai Bahadur
“Bonus Question: What is the proper response to the speech tomorrow and the continuing invasion from south of the former US border in the absence of electoral, legislative, or judicial remedies?”
Rejoice in the imminent Golden Age Of American Lawn Care?
At least they are making it easy to see through their acts…whenever you see something described as “common-sense”, just assume it is somehow going to violate the constitution…
eg. “We need “common-sense” gun laws” = Restrict our 2nd Amendment rights.
I wonder if the Ferguson GJ announcement will come about the same time.
Obama is not amused. The DRAT (Displace, Replace, Abort, and Tax) Act passed with universal (i.e. Obama) consensus. The leaders of second and third-world nations are thrilled to be relieved of their burdens. Americans, young and old, are wondering about their choice. Obama is relieved that a large minority of Americans consumed the opiate.
Obama would be far less annoyed, if he would work with, rather than against, Americans. It’s a community thing.
When will the Libs and talking heads get that our immigration system is NOT broken. Does the process take a while? Yes, but alas, patience is a virtue.
The remedy for governmental lawlessness is built into the Constitution–if not in the original, at least in the amendments.
That’s pretty true, but the remedy PRE-DATES the Constitution.
You’ll find it in the Declaration.
We withdraw our consent to be governed by this lawless criminal conspiracy.
You open the ball, Barracula, you get to pay the piper.
Relax, he’s not going to do anything much.
and why Republicans in Congress must act to pass a long-term solution to immigration reform.
That means that he’s not going to decree his ideal “fix”; rather, just some expedients to make things superficially worse so the press can blame the Rs for not “fixing” it… much like chasing tourists out of the national parks during the “shutdown.” He’ll probably just decree something he’s already doing, like stopping deportations.
In other words, just more of his old tactic of trying to bluff the House into giving him something for free. There’s no reason to believe it will work this time, either.
Will he prosecute or sue anyone who refuses to recognize the illegal aliens as legal under his unlawful act under color of law?
Not if enough of us do it.
I plan to be one.
“want to play by the rules”
Right. I can think of some laws I’d like to break. Then I want a new president to come along and buy my vote by getting me off the hook for the consequences, throwing me miscellaneous government goodies and then praising me and my cohort as “people who want to play by the rules.” Gratuitous ethnicity-based pandering would be a nice cherry on top. And how about making a splashy announcement from Ronald Reagan High School in Red America, USA?