Obama Post-Election Press Conference
Word “shellacking” was not spoken by the President.

Obama: "American people sent a message – they expect people to elect to work as hard as they do"
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 5, 2014
"Obviously Republicans had a good night and deserve credit for running good campaigns" -Obama
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) November 5, 2014
Obama addressing the tomb of the unknown voter: "For the 2/3 of Americans that didn't vote, I hear you, too" Huh?
— DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) November 5, 2014
“I’m the guy who’s elected by everybody…and they want me to…get stuff done.” –President Obama on his agenda
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 5, 2014
Obama shout-out to 2/3 of Americans who were nonvoters — a subtle attempt to mitigate mandate for a new direction?
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) November 5, 2014
"Congress will pass some bills that I cannot sign and I will take some actions that Congress will not like" -Obama
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) November 5, 2014
Pres Obama reaffirms commitment to take executive actions on immigration. "Before the end of the year," he says.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 5, 2014
"What do you make of the notion that you are now a lame duck? — CNN's Jim Acosta to Obama.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) November 5, 2014
2010: Shellacking
2014: Good Night
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) November 5, 2014
By contrast:
"This is a real ass-whooping'' – @Sen_JoeManchin http://t.co/tB0IUAkAh9 @edatpost
— David Beard (@dabeard) November 5, 2014
Obama: I won't sign a law repealing Obamacare.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 5, 2014
Overall assessment:
On the whole, this is a pretty uncowed President.
— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) November 5, 2014
Frankly astonishing that Obama can't simply acknowledge voters punished his party: this was not a bi-partisan rejection. Is he in denial?
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) November 5, 2014

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“American people sent a message – they expect people [they] elect to work as hard as they do”
Wul, yuh. So stay off the freaking golf course and the fund-raising drives.
Meet with the NEW LEADERS of the majorities in the Congress. Stop lying…first to yourself.
Do ANY-FLUCKING-THING that a mature human being in your position would have BEEN doing for the last six years.
(Rags will not hold his breath.)
I would prefer that he stay on the golf course and limit the damage to this country for the next 2 years.
Given that he clearly hasn’t experienced the come-to-Jesus moment voters intended, I’m with you. The less he does, the better.
Wow, this guy has cognitive dissonance raised to the level of an art form 🙂
You can’t fix a problem until you admit you have one…and man, Obama just can’t admit he has a problem 🙂
That is why arrogance and incompetence are such a dangerous combination. You never learn from your own mistakes!
It isn’t that he has a problem, he is the problem!
Our Petulant, doltish, President needs to understand only one thing: He Lost.
“Hey Sanddog, I won all my elections. And, I was elected by everybody. So, suck a lemon.” BHO
Turning that around on him…Barack never won the majority of registered voters in the USA in either 2008 or 2012. He should know better than anyone that you only win with the voters who show up.
“The American people sent a message …” They sure did, but from all the pasture pies spread during this press event it’s absolutely clear he didn’t get that message. Lies, lies, obfuscation, and more lies. The only real truth was his statement that he wants to “finish the business of this Congress …”, which translates to “I’ve got a bit less than two months to finish screwing this country!”
I expect a virtual tsunami of (illegal) Executive Orders be wash over us before the new Congress is sworn in January.
“The American people sent a message …” They sure did, but from all the pasture pies spread during this press event it’s absolutely clear he didn’t get that message.
Lies, lies, obfuscation, and more lies. The only real truth was his statement that he wants to “finish the business of this Congress …”, which translates to “I’ve got a bit less than two months to finish screwing this country!”
I expect a virtual tsunami of (illegal) Executive Orders be wash over us before the new Congress is sworn in January.
Chris Hayes: “On the whole, this is a pretty uncowed President.”
Michelle, on the other hand…
“Obama shout-out to 2/3 of Americans who were nonvoters — a subtle attempt to mitigate mandate for a new direction?”
Nothing subtle about it.
Looks and sounds to me like a very, very lame duck. A useful idiot no more.
Hey Obama, we had an election where YOUR policies were on the ballot.
You lost badly
Congress will be acting now, as they were elected to do.
Sign the bills … don’t be that guy … that just says NO.
For every bill signed you’re allowed three rounds of golf.
Tee time is over. Care for a spot of Tea?
Extremist! Racist! Sexist! (rinse, repeat) …
Hey Barry, the narrative is over. Kryptonite with no more krypto. One more thing, though. Tell Mooshie I loves my fried chicken tonight!
Bamster, get lost. Time for another empty chair contest?
Monday Obama: This election has everything to do with me and my policies.
Wednesday Obama: This election has nothing to do with me and my policies.
First stage– denial.
We have two months in which to learn just how deranged this man is.