Legal Insurrection profiled at Power Line

Today was the first full day of the National Review post-election cruise.

As longtime readers know, for many years I didn’t do conferences. My first conference was the Breitbart Awards in Providence in 2012, because it was so close to my then home in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

That experience of meeting bloggers I only knew from the internet convinced me that I needed to get out there more. So next was CPAC 2014.

When Jack Fowler, publisher of National Review, kindly invited me to be one of the speakers on the cruise, it was a no-brainer.

I’ve been pleased that some of the attendees I’ve met are readers of, or at least have heard of, Legal Insurrection. I’m always shocked when that happens.

I’ve also met many writers I’ve followed over the years.

My wife and I ran into Scott Johnson from Power Line blog, and had a great talk. Power Line, of course, is one of the premier, research-rich websites.

Since our founding in October 2008, Legal Insurrection has thrived due to the kindness of strangers. Scott and fellow Power Line blogger John Hinderaker have been among the most kind strangers to us, frequently linking.

Scott’s no stranger now, and was kind enough to ask me to sit for a short video to help introduce Legal Insurrection to the Power Line readership.

How great is that? In an age where corporate websites increasingly seek to retain their traffic and not spread the links, Scott offered to help a smaller blog gain exposure.

If you want to read all about it, and see my video interview, you have to head over to Power Line, An Introduction to Legal Insurrection.

Tags: Blogging, Media Appearance