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How bad a candidate is Martha Coakley? This bad

How bad a candidate is Martha Coakley? This bad

Lost a Senate seat to Scott Brown, and looks likely to lose a Governorship to Charlie Baker — in liberal Massachusetts!

Prof. Jacobson recently said “May a thousand Martha Coakleys bloom in the Democratic Party.”

As a Massachusetts resident, I’d like to second that statement.

The Republican Governors Association recently put together the ultimate Coakley blooper reel.

David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon reported:

Hilarious RGA Ad Shows Martha Coakley ‘Stumbling’ to Campaign Finish

Democratic Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley’s numerous missteps and cringeworthy moments are captured in a new ad from the Republican Governors Association.

In one exchange, Coakley repeatedly dodged a question on whether she would raise fees in lieu of raising taxes and was asked by a moderator if she would pledge not to raise them. When her Republican opponent Charlie Baker promised he wouldn’t, Coakley said, “Then I’m not going to raise fees either.”

In another, Coakley was booed by a debate audience when she answered “I don’t know” to a direct, yes-or-no question about whether illegal immigrants should get driver’s licenses in the commonwealth. When Baker was asked, he immediately answered, “No.”

This is painful to watch:

The Boston Globe’s most recent poll has Republican Charlie Baker ahead by 7 points.

The Real Clear Politics average has Baker ahead by 3.2 points.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Did Bill Clinton plug Coakley like he did Kay Hagan in N. Carolina?

Hey, I’m just going by the Politico headline.

I feel sorry for her. Her handlers must have told her that her “likability” needed a bit of burnishing, and women don’t like her (most men in MA actually vote R) so she’s playing it like she is running for Senior Class President Natick High not Governor of the Commonwealth. She should have taken a page from the fake Indian and aggressively set citizen upon citizen (THEY are taking your money; the system is rigged). One clip that was not included in the ad, as it was outside of the gubernatorial campaign, was when Coakley patronizingly schooled us on the tough responsibilities of the Attorney General’s office when it come to enforcing the laws regarding illegal immigration:

“Technically, it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

TrooperJohnSmith | November 2, 2014 at 11:04 am

What’s scary is that with just a little Brasso polish and some touch-up body work, she’d be Democratic POTUS material.

0bama is every bit as stupid as she is.

    NC Mountain Girl in reply to TrooperJohnSmith. | November 2, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    Obama avoided creating baggage by voting present on anything controversial. As a prosecutor Coakley created enough baggage to stock a Samsonite outlet store.

    She’s the third person from the Middlesex County prosecutors office who was involved in the Fells Acres Daycare prosecutions who ran for Governor and failed.

She’s an amazingly bad candidate. It’s hard to believe she got the nomination for Governor after doing so badly in the 2010 Senate race. Granted, Scott Brown is a very appealing candidate, but after Martha’s gaffes like calling Kurt Schilling a Yankee fan, I don’t know why her party would give her another nomination.