Hamas lawyer Stanley Cohen gets 18 months in prison on tax charges

We have long followed the saga of Stanley Cohen, an attorney best known for his representation of and allegiance to Hamas.

Cohen pleaded guilty to tax charges relating to his elaborate use of cash transactions to conceal income and his failure to file income tax returns for several years.

The evidence was overwhelming, to put it mildly. When Cohen entered his plea last April, he admitted that the government could prove its case.

Today, Cohen was sentenced in federal court in Syracuse, NY, to 18-months in prison as set forth in his plea deal. Here is the entry in the court docket late this afternoon:

TEXT Minute Entry for Sentencing held on 11/21/2014 for Stanley L. Cohen (1) before Senior Judge Norman A. Mordue. APPR: Stephen Green, AUSA; John Duncan, AUSA; Donald Kinsella, Esq. Defendant sentenced on Count 1 of the Indictment to 18 months imprisonment. This term consists of 18 months on Count 1 of Indictment 12-CR-316, and 12 months on each of Counts 1 and 2 of Indictment 14-CR-217. All such terms shall be served concurrently. Supervised release for a term of 1 year on each Count, to be served concurrently.; Counts 2, 3 of the Indictment dismissed on motion of the Governmen. Defendant is to self -surrender to a facility designated by the Bureau of Prisons by no later than 2:00 p.m. on January 6, 2015. The Court intends to act in accordance with the Local Rules of Practice for the United States District Court for the NDNY titled Discipline of Attorneys, and will notify the Clerk of the Court of the finality of your conviction. It is the Courts understanding that upon notification to the Chief Judge, you shall be suspended from practicing before this Court and shall be struck from the roll of members of the bar of this Court. $150.00 fine imposed, due immediately. No fine imposed. Defendant and counsel acknowledge No appeal to be filed.

It appears from the court docket that Cohen argued for less than 18 months and submitted letters and memos about his life — but those are not publicly available on PACER, so I can’t access them.

Needless to say, Cohen is hardly showing contrition on Twitter:

Instead, he complained about the Judge not granting him yet another delay in sentencing.

Must be more of that Zionist conspiracy.

In the meantime, there’s an upside for Cohen. The judge didn’t sentence him to dine with a Zionist.

Update 11-25-2014Criminal Judgment added:

Stanley Cohen – Criminal Judgment

Tags: Stanley Cohen