Watch Elizabeth Warren’s reaction when Bill Maher says she’ll make a terrific presidential candidate

Elizabeth Warren says she “is not running” for President.

(You know where I’m going with this, don’t you?)

Progressives will not take “is not running” for an answer.

Ready for Warren is up and running, and now so are other progressive groups in Iowa and New Hampshire, as reported by The Hill, Liberal grass roots gather to find a challenger for Hillary Clinton:

Liberal groups are building a grassroots army in Iowa and New Hampshire in hopes of stopping a Hillary Clinton coronation in 2016.While the progressive groups don’t have a candidate, they are hiring organizers and opening offices as if one will emerge.At a minimum, the groups hope their efforts will push Clinton to the left. And if the political winds blow just right, the activists hope Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) will take the plunge — and turn their organizing work into the foundation for her candidacy.

Bill Maher just kissed the ring (featured image). Watch Warren’s reaction when Maher says “You’re going to make a terrific presidential candidate and an even better President of the United States!” :

(Click on image to watch video)

A Princeton professor writing at CNN says This is Elizabeth Warren’s moment because of Hillary’s cozy relationship with Wall Street:

After spending several years championing the cause of the consumer and railing against the power of big banks, the Massachusetts Democrat may be perfectly positioned to react to the revelation of secretly taped conversations within the Federal Reserve that have exposed the cozy relationship that exists between the regulators in Washington and the regulated on Wall Street….Given the widespread concern about this problem and Warren’s skill at handling this issue, these could shape up to be [Senate] hearings that have the same kind of impact as Sen. William Fulbright’s classic interrogation of officials about Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam policies in 1966 or the select committee investigation of Watergate in 1973 when Sen. Sam Ervin revealed all the wrongs that Richard Nixon had committed.Right now the Democratic playing field for 2016 is more fluid than many think. While former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs, would be a formidable candidate and a clear frontrunner, there is also still room for another candidate to challenge her and potentially to rise to the top of the pack.

I know, I know.

Elizabeth Warren “is not running” for president.

[Featured Image source: YouTube]

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bill Maher, Elizabeth Warren