The newest edition of Firewall with Bill Whittle struck a chord with me because he launches his monologue by talking about something one of his liberal friends posted on Facebook.
As a New England lifer, I have lots of liberal friends and I hardly ever go on Facebook anymore because I can’t stand the political items they frequently post.
Whittle argues that today’s liberals aren’t even liberal and he makes a strong case.
Here’s a taste of the video from Truth Revolt:
More and more these days, people who call themselves “liberals” have bumper-sticker philosophies that are liberal — they’re not even leftist. They’re infantile. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle dissects one of these childish, undeservedly self-righteous positions and compares the modern “liberal” to the real deal.TRANSCRIPT:Hi Everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.You know how it is on Facebook. Every now and then a friend pops up who you haven’t seen in a long, long time. I had one of those fiend pops just the other day, and so I went to her page to see how she’s doing.Just fine, and nothing new.She did have one of those interminable political pictures though, and while I have seen a few that were really dumb, this one was in line for the prize. And I about let it go – cause otherwise you’ll go mad – when I realized it was a share from a Facebook page called BEING LIBERAL, which has over a million followers.So here’s what Being Liberal proudly posted as a nugget of political wisdom:It says: “When all the trees are cut down…when all the animals are dead…when all the waters are poisoned… when all the air is unsafe to breathe… only then will you discover: you cannot eat money.”
Here’s the video. Watch the whole thing:
Featured image via YouTube.