The Inevitable: Jesse Jackson Makes Ebola Scare About Jesse Jackson

As if Dallas weren’t enough of a circus already, Reverend Jesse Jackson has announced that he will be working with community leaders in Dallas to make sure that Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan receives “the best humanitarian relief” available.

(Because round the clock care and rare experimental drug therapy isn’t enough, I guess.)

Just when the people of Dallas thought it was safe to leave the house, right?

At any rate, Jackson landed in Dallas this morning and immediately began blaming a lack of health insurance for the terrible consequences of the reckless choices of Thomas Eric Duncan.

“He must be treated as a patient — with all the human rights preserved — not as a criminal,” Jackson stated. Duncan’s family believes that he may have been medically mishandled by the hospital after he was originally sent home by staffers.Days later, paramedics transported the visitor from Liberia back to the hospital, where doctors eventually confirmed that Duncan is seriously sick with the Ebola virus. “Without insurance, he was only offered a cursory examination,” Jackson said. “Thomas needs the same treatment as others. They sent Ebola back into the community.”“This is a good time for churches — black and white — to rally, and find common ground and healing,” Jackson said Tuesday morning. He plans to hold a prayer vigil outside of the hospital at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. “This is the essence of the message of Jesus.”

Clearly, Mr. Jackson forgot that here in Texas, we have more beer, brisket, and Jesus Christ than we know what to do with. The backlash on Twitter has ranged from comical to brutal:

Zing. It would be funny if it weren’t true.

The point of this isn’t to mock the situation of those who came into contact with Duncan; Ebola is a wretched plague, and Duncan will be held accountable for bringing it to that small apartment in northeast Dallas. The point is that so. many. terrible. things. have happened in conjunction with the spread of Ebola. The Dallas hospital currently responsible for Duncan’s care made mistakes. The Obama Administration refuses to lead, and Democratic operatives are busy weighing the political capital associated with the disease.

People are dying, and Democrats are busy capitalizing on the fear and doubt of the American people.

Sounds like business as usual in Obama’s America.

Tags: Ebola, Jesse Jackson