Is Ebola about to go wild?

No, of course not, because we have it under control.

Oh, wait, ‘Heroic’ Health Worker Becomes Second U.S. Ebola Case:

A Texas health care worker who cared for Liberian Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan at a Dallas hospital has tested positive for the disease, hospital officials said Sunday. The worker became infected despite wearing full protective gear while treating Duncan, who later died from the disease, during his second visit to the hospital.If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed by the Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, it would be the first known case of the disease being contracted or transmitted in the U.S.”That health care worker is a heroic person who provided care to Mr. Duncan,” Dallas Judge Clay Jenkin said at a news conference Sunday morning.

No need to worry, NIH official: ‘The system worked’:

Following news that a healthcare working in Dallas has tested positive for Ebola, a top official at the National Institutes of Health said Sunday that the “system worked.”“This was a breach in protocol,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on ABC’s “This Week.”Officials in Dallas said a healthcare worker who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first U.S. Ebola patient who died last week, has tested positive for the deadly virus despite following CDC precautions, such as wearing a mask, gloves, gown and face shield.“We know that this person had direct contact with the patient,” Fauci said.Fauci said officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will review the incident to find out how the transmission happened. They will then “fortify” the protocol to make sure it is followed, he added.

So it was just human error? Isn’t that the way it always is? Yet while other countries have travel and airline bans, we have nothing other than after-the-fact protocols.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Ebola