Fundraising emails: The Ebola of your Inbox

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably experiencing an email inbox inundated with desperate campaign asks. The worst offender this election season is without a doubt the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee).

So far, I’ve received emails from Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and even the President himself this midterm cycle. The dramatics and the guilt are almost too much to bear. Good thing I’m Catholic. Here’s a sampling of a few emails that have made their way through my spam filters:



For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth to “get money out of politics,” The Democrats are acting particularly hard up for cash this election season.

Also annoyed by the steady string of embarrassing DCCC emails, Jon Stewart had this to say on The Daily Show (slightly NSFW):

Couple the desperate fundraising emails with news of the DSCC pulling out of Kentucky Senate race and one might conclude the Democrats have had better election cycles.

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[The title was changed shortly after publication]