CNN Panelist: We Can’t Cut Flights to Liberia Over Ebola Because of Slavery

As Americans become increasingly concerned about the spread of Ebola in the United States, there is a growing call to cut off flights to and from Liberia.

Senator Ted Cruz has even contacted the FAA. Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call reported:

Ted Cruz Asks FAA About Ebola Flight BanSen. Ted Cruz is asking the Federal Aviation Administration what it’s doing to prevent the spread of Ebola after the first U.S. diagnosis, which came in his home state.“Given the severity of this virus and the fact that its spread to Texas has been associated with travel, it is imperative that the FAA take every available precaution in preventing additional cases from arriving in the United States. As you may be aware, several African nations have already restricted or banned air travel to countries with confirmed cases of the Ebola virus,” the Texas Republican wrote in a letter to FAA chief Michael P. Huerta. “British Airways, Emirates Airlines and Kenya Airways have also suspended flights due to the rising death toll and deteriorating public health situation in Ebola-stricken countries.”

One recent voice on CNN, an author named David Quammen believes doing such a thing would be wrong because of slavery. I kid you not.

Brendan Bordelon of National Review has the story:

CNN Guest: ‘How Dare We’ Cut Off Liberia Flights When ‘American Slavery’ Created That CountryAn author on Anderson Cooper’s CNN program Thursday said the United States is uniquely obligated to maintain air links with the Ebola-ridden nation of Liberia, claiming it would be immoral to quarantine a nation created through “American slavery.”Since the first U.S.-diagnosed case of Ebola cropped up earlier this week in Dallas, calls to ban flights from Ebola outbreak zones — particularly Liberia, where the patient contracted the virus – have exploded in American media.But David Quammen, author of Ebola, believes the past sins of the United States require it to maintain travel links with the nation, despite the possible health consequences.“We in America, how dare we turn our backs on Liberia, given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery?” he told Cooper. “We have a responsibility to stay connected with them, and help them see this through.”

Here’s the video:

This is madness.

May God defend us all from the stupidity of political correctness.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Ebola, Political Correctness