Luis Gutiérrez: Securing Border a Dereliction of Duty

Luis Gutiérrez is a Democratic representative from Illinois who frequently attacks anyone who is not for amnesty.

As an example, here he is on Sean Hannity’s show claiming that securing the U.S. border would be a dereliction of his duty. Transcript and video via Real Clear Politics:

Gutierrez: Voting to Secure Border First “Would Be Derelict In My Duty to Protect America”SEAN HANNITY: Last word. You can pass a bill, secure the border first, would you support that?REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ (D-IL): No. Because it would be folly. It would be derelict in my duty to protect America.HANNITY: In the mean time, every day you don’t pass that bill — you’re demanding amnesty.GUTIERREZ: I would be derelict to my duty.[CROSSTALK]GUTIERREZ: It sounds great. It sounds good.HANNITY: It doesn’t sound great.GUTIERREZ: It sounds good, but it isn’t an effective –HANNITY: If you don’t do it, it’s a dereliction of duty, sir.

Here’s the video:

Allahpundit of Hot Air calls this exchange Orwellian which, I think, is charitable:

Orwellian fun via RCP. You trust a guy who openly admits his only loyalty is to the immigrant community to do what’s best for the country at large, don’t you?The fireworks come in the last minute although I’ll be candid and confess I don’t really understand what the point of disagreement is. Hannity says we should secure the border; Gutierrez replies that securing the border won’t stop ISIS operatives, who are more likely to enter the U.S. through airports than by sneaking across from Mexico. (Jihadis with British or, of course, American passports wouldn’t even need visas.) Could be, says Hannity, but then why not do both? Secure the border and take extra precautions in screening flights. Obviously you’d want to block terrorists from every possible route into the country. To which Gutierrez says … nothing, really.

Who, exactly, does Guitierrez represent?

Tags: Border Crisis, Immigration, ISIS