Islamic State Reportedly Beheads Steven Sotloff
ISIS takes another.

The Islamic State has issued a video purporting to show the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Sotloff was kidnapped in Syria in 2013.
Via NBC News:
The video, titled “A Second Message to America,” opens with a clip of President Barack Obama speaking after ISIS beheaded another American journalist, James Foley, last month. Obama vowed in those remarks to be “relentless” when Americans are harmed.
The video then shows Sotloff, wearing an orange jump suit and kneeling, in a sparse desert landscape, next to a black-clad ISIS fighter — a replica of the conditions in the video in which Foley was beheaded.
Speaking to the camera, Sotloff questions U.S. intervention in the Middle East and blames Obama for “marching us, the American people, into a blazing fire.”
The ISIS fighter then blames Obama for an “arrogant foreign policy towards Islamic State” and for refusing to heed ISIS’s warnings and end military strikes.
Earlier this summer, the Islamic State distributed a video showing the similar, brutal execution of Sotloff’s fellow journalist, James Foley. The groups said that Foley’s execution was retaliation for U.S. air strikes in northern Iraq, and that they would execute another hostage—Sotloff—if the strikes did not cease.
The authenticity of the video has not yet been confirmed.

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Has Obama come off the golf course yet to make another stupid statement?
Well, he did have somebody say that they tried to save (________), which is nothing but a self-serving vomiting of national security information.
What a childish, self-obsessed, pathological puke.
I’m sure Obama and Holder are huddling together somewhere discussing just how many of these beheadings it will take until they will no longer be “unusual,” in an attempt to keep states from considering this instead of “lethal injection.”
“Simple” gifts (from above) that the United States should send to the Jihadists… VX and napalm. Make a video of that and place the customary quote at the bottom of the credits, “not a single American was hurt during the delivery of these gifts”. Time to remember Patton’s admonition to not die for your country. They love death more than we love life? Let them get their wish.
And after the napalm show actual pictures of the pukes as a warning to anyone else. Napalm isn’t just for breakfast anymore. LOL!
Back in the day, it was “nape” (good old DuPont Napalm®) and “snakes” (Mk82 Snake-eye, high-drag, GP bomb). Of course, the jellied gasoline is considered too harsh to use on the Godless, feckless scum of the world, and MK82s might actually hurt someone.
More evidence of the consequences of Obama’s apology tour.
Dithering caution in the defense of liberty is no virtue.
How does one distinguish caution from cowardice? POTUS claims the former while ISIS perceives the latter.
And not just ISIS.
True. All the world’s bad actors are perceiving a window of opportunity.
0bama has put a huge “KICK ME” sign on America’s back and the media won’t tell us.
The result of a policy that believes in peace through weakness, which has never happened in the whole of human history. Strength has been the only thing that has ensured peace for a nation.
Also, people should re-evaluate their definition of peace. Peace is something that we have always had to continually fight to achieve, something else an honest reading of history* will clearly show. No country has ever been at total peace without being engaged in fighting somewhere.
Peace is the unattainable goal for which we should strive that just always remains just out of reach. Humans have realized this since our earliest times, imho, it is why Vegetius wrote in De Re Militari a phrase that has been well known since the 4th or 5th centuies; Si vis Pacem, para bellum, simply translated “if you want peace, prepare for war”.**
Why has America never know a true and lasting peace? Because peace is something that must be fought for by those who hold it most dear.
What you are seeing now is a policy fueled by the belief that peace is deserved not earned.
* Honest reading of history, meaning a non common core based reading of history.
** Phrase is actually found in Book 3 of the noted tract.
*and excluding revisionist history, its predecessor.
I wonder how long it will take for the media to realize that their idol Jugears is okay with their fellow journalists getting their heads sawed off. Maybe this is what it takes to break the Pied Piper spell the pathetic media sycophants seem to be under for the last six years.
They will find a way to rationalize it, if they don’t just ignore what happened.
Prime Minister David Cameron said, “We need to tackle the ideology of Islamist extremism head on” – because trying to do it with your head off doesn’t seem to be working out for those poor fellows in Mosul.
Team Obama is right now brainstorming hard to come up with a new twitter hash tag.
This time those terrorist will really learn!
The term “Beheading” is a bit sanitized.
The reality is, these animals first slit the victim’s throat. They they saw the head off while the victim is still alive and conscious.
The act should really be referred to as a torture killing.
Yes, national security and the lives of Americans are important, blah, blah, blah, but this man Obama is the head of his party and the torch bearer for progressivism and, dammit, there’s an election in just two months.
Obama’s plan to destroy ISIS?
ISIS/ObamaCare provided by the IRS