Reader Poll: How do you rate Morning Insurrection newsletter?
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Reader Poll: How do you rate Morning Insurrection newsletter?

Reader Poll: How do you rate Morning Insurrection newsletter?

You mean you don’t subscribe yet? We can fix that.

Last week was our first week of the Morning Insurrection newsletter, featuring not only select Legal and College Insurrection posts, but Cyber Insurrection and Author Quick Takes only available in the newsletter.


Yes, it’s free.

As long-time readers know, I’m always interested in frank and honest feedback.  We are here to serve.

So to get a sense of how subscribers are feeling after the first week, I’d like to take your pulse with this reader poll.

(Open until midnight EST, Monday August 4)


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Yah, RIGHT…!!!

You ARE a BAD Professor.

You and your “please keep the (ahem) ‘jokes’ to yourselves”.

Look ashamed, Jacobson. Look VERY ashamed!!!

LI is one of the first sites I track on my morning net surfing every day so the newsletter is redundant for me. I am retired so I have time to read the whole site every morning. I would imagine if one were time limited it would be more valuable than it is to me.

First thing I do when I get put on telephone hold is to log into LI.

I find the morning email nice to look at for the Cyber and Collage Insurrection summary, but otherwise redundant as i check the main website daily.

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | August 3, 2014 at 11:09 pm

Like the daily email update and might have suggestions later on. However, so far, great, yet use might prompt other suggestions.

Consider taking a reader poll on possible major revisions, briefly describing new feature, functions, when contemplating such changes.

Lastly, the K.I.S.S. principle is always the way to fly!

My druthers (YMMV)- Use notepad that requires wifi at home, a notebook at work occasionally to read LI. Would prefer getting email earlier (before 7:00 am cst)- before I leave for work so that I have on my notepad. Links to LI are unnecessary, since I visit site anyway. Would prefer info that’s not already on website. – Thanks!

The MI email is valuable for sure, an improvement over the RSS feed (assuming I check the RSS feed once a day)

But I certainly need both! Don’t you dare consider tossing the RSS feed!

Thanks for creating MI and thanks for everything else LI is about. We in the People’s Republic of Mass. need such cold water in the face, since we are soaking 24/7 in the warm, polluted waters of statism and progressivism…and growing unionism (compulsory, of course).

You had me at “insurrection” <3

Why no weekend Insurrection? I suffered from withdrawal.

JimMtnViewCaUSA | August 4, 2014 at 10:47 am

The choices made me blush, too!

Request: can we get a separate page that holds Cyber Insurrection? I am the merest dilettante in this area (I subscribe to the NewsBites email newsletter) but I find it fascinating.

I enjoy the quick review summary, but I have a problem – I did not receive email for today, 8/4/14. Also, because I saved the initial issue, I was able to “view” in browser form, but the past issues archive only shows the same content for every day. Hope this helps. Thanks, Lew.

It’s ok… but I get it in the afternoon…but I digress, when I do get L.I. it’s morning somewhere…

I keep my News sites in order on my bookmark bar. LI has gone from being in the drop down list to being the first site of the day.

The news letter is awesome!