MSNBC may be sincere when it asks its audience to “Lean Forward” each night, but maybe they should have picked a less…riffable…slogan.
The Media Research Center’s new “#LeanOver” media bias campaign takes aim at the talking heads at MSNBC, and they’ve got plenty of material to back up their claim that “MSNBC is where news goes to die.”
The best part about MSNBCers is that their craziness really speaks for itself. All we have to do is show the American people.
Appropriately, they’ve chosen Chris Matthews, of “Hardball” fame (infamy?) as their first study in crazy:
MRC Director of Social Media Scooter Schaefer told the Washington Examiner that the goal of this campaign is simply to use social media to shine light on MSNBC’s bias:
“We’ve all seen the MSNBC ‘Lean Forward’ commercials. The inspiration for our #LeanOver parody was to demonstrate the absurdity of MSNBC by simply showing folks clips of MSNBC hosts like Chris Matthews in action,” he told Secrets. “After all, nobody can do a better job making Chris Matthews sound like an unhinged liberal partisan than Chris Matthews.”
You’ll be able to check out more #LeanOver videos here, as they come available.