Gaza ceasefire announced (Live Updates and Video)

Another Gaza ceasefire has been announced, this time without a time limit.

Via The Times of Israel:

Army Radio quotes “the most senior and official” Israeli government source confirming that Israel has accepted the Egyptian proposal for an open-ended truce.The official says the terms do not include any response to Hamas demands, including those for a seaport, airport, prisoner releases, or transfer of funds to pay salaries.He adds that those issues will be discussed in a month, if the quiet proves itself.Hamas’s spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, is hailing victory for several reasons, Army Radio reports — for example, because it imposed what he calls an “air blockade” on Israel, a reference to the suspension by many foreign airlines of flights to Ben Gurion Airport for two days last month.It also forced Israelis close to Gaza to flee their homes, he says. They can return now, he says, because Hamas has decided they can — not because Netanyahu has decided they can.

Needless to say, Hamas is claiming a great victory even though it got almost no concessions in the Egyptian proposal in the streets:

Fireworks and celebratory gunshots are heard in the Gaza Strip as its residents celebrate what Hamas spokesmen have hailed as a resistance “victory” against Israel, Al Jazeera reports.

Tweeted out by Hamas, shows how delusional they are:


Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

[Featured Image: Gaza street celebrations after announcement of ceasefire, via The Muqata]

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Israel