“Death to Jews” at The Hague, and Nazi in Chicago

On July 26, we reported on anti-Semitic protests that had taken place in The Hague in which Death to Jews was shouted to the dismay of local officials.

This video of ISIS supporters shouting Death to Jews was posted on June 24. It’s not clear if it was the same protest, but it was the same chant, as reported by YNET News:

A protest in Holland, that was approved by the Dutch government and meant to be a peaceful demonstration against Israel’s Gaza operation and against the arrest of an Islamist operative, turned into a terrifying rally of hundreds of ISIS supporters.The Dutch were shocked of the protest, and The Hague’s mayor was called to resign after his staff were the ones to approve the protest without realizing the danger it poses. The Dutch were also shocked to see pictures posted by ISIS recently that show a Muslim Dutch national alongside severed heads of Syrian soldiers he murdered in cold blood. Analysts estimated that the extremist organization was using this protest rally to recruit youths to its religious war in European cities. Some 3,000 European youths of Muslim descent are believed to have joined ISIS for fighting in Syria and Iraq, some of which have already returned home after having trained with ISIS and murdered many.

Jonathan Hoenig has been photographing and filming an anti-Israel rally in Chicago today.

He tweeted out a flyer that was handed out:

It reminds me of the Nazi flyer posted by Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine.

As I’ve said many times, it usually doesn’t start Nazi, but if often ends there.

And if it doesn’t end there, it ends with Israel being called Nazi:

And just in case you had a doubt as to their goal:

You can see some of his other tweets, here, and here, and here, and here, and here.

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza, Israel