Law Prof Blog Traffic Rankings

Tax Prof Blog Rankings 6-30-2014 Top - REVISED

TaxProf has released the rankings of blogs run by law professors, for the 12 months ending June 30, 2014.

Go to Law Prof Blog Traffic Rankings for the full list, including percentage changes from the prior year.  The Top 7 are in the featured image.  [Note 10:25 a.m. – after our publication, TaxProf issued revised numbers based upon additional Washington Post data for Volokh Conspiracy. The current Featured Image now reflects the change.]

Plus College Insurrection comes in at #21, a drop of two places even though traffic was up from the prior ranking period:

Tax Prof Blog Rankings 6-30-2014 College Insurrection

The asterisks reflect that the numbers are generated from the reliable Google Analytics, as opposed to Sitemeter, as to which some websites had reliability problems.

Be forewarned — next Quarter’s annual rankings will not look so good for us, as traffic has been slow the past few months.

Tags: Blog Rankings