If Obama isn’t secretly urging Elizabeth Warren to run, he should be

Ed Klein reports that Obama is using Valerie Jarrett to urge Elizabeth Warren to challenge Hillary in the primary to protect Obama’s transformation of the nation into something of which he and Michelle can be proud.

Warren will protect Obama’s, ahem, achievements, Hillary can’t be trusted to do that.

It’s entirely believable. Whether it’s true remains to be seen.

Here is part of the report, This means Warren: Obama backs challenger to Hillary:

President Obama has quietly promised Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren complete support if she runs for president — a stinging rebuke to his nemesis Hillary Clinton, sources tell me….Obama has authorized his chief political adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to conduct a full-court press to convince Warren to throw her hat into the ring….He believes that the populist Warren is the best person to convince the party faithful that Hillary is out of touch with poor Americans and the middle class. Warren, in his view, would carry on the Obama legacy after he leaves the White House….“Barack, Michelle, and Valerie have been talking about Elizabeth Warren for quite some time,” says an Obama administration source. “Valerie has told Warren that Obama is prepared to throw a great deal of money and organizational support behind her….“Both Valerie and Michelle Obama have convinced the president that Elizabeth Warren is his Mini-Me,” said a person who has discussed the issue with Jarrett.

If Democrats nominate Hillary, they will have to put on a happy face. But Warren is who they really want.

And I repeat, Elizabeth Warren would crush Hillary, and they both know it.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, valerie jarrett