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Hitting the Iceberg Week at College Insurrection

Hitting the Iceberg Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly dispatch from the world of higher education.

Unfortunately, there may not be enough lifeboats for everyone.

You may be wondering why higher education is going down so quickly. Here are some clues…

Maybe we should stop stoking the flames of resentment.

Please pay no attention to the politician talking about income inequality.

Higher education has real problems to worry about.

Updates on Israel…

What’s going on in Texas?

And Ohio…

From the department of Religious Studies…

The week in stupid news…

War on women…

Rape culture update…

Who deserves more help?

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.


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Regarding Dr. Monica Miller, you’ll have to forgive me for making such a shallow observation but that haircut just screamed “I’m bringing the crazy!” and after listening to her I think I was right. She bloviated for an entire minute and did not say a single coherent thing.