Hillary: I donated outrageous university speaking fees to Clinton Foundation

We recently noted at College Insurrection that Hillary Clinton has made an awful lot of money by speaking at colleges and universities.

That news has caused some negative blow back for the presumptive Democratic nominee with some student groups even calling on her to return the money.

Liz Kreutz of ABC News is now reporting that Mrs. Clinton has donated all of that money. To her own family’s foundation, naturally:

Hillary Clinton Says She’s Donated All University Speaking FeesHillary Clinton continued to justify her high-dollar speaking fees on Friday, telling ABC News’ Ann Compton that all of the money she’s made from colleges over the past year and a half has been donated to her family’s foundation.“All of the fees have been donated to the Clinton Foundation for it to continue its life-changing and life-saving work. So it goes from a foundation at a university to another foundation,” Clinton said when asked about the criticism she and her husband have faced recently for their wealth.Hillary Clinton reportedly makes roughly $200,000 for each speaking engagement. And recent reports show that she has made much more from some of the country’s top universities.

This should come as a surprise to no one.

And may be the best sign she is planning to run for President. Cleaning up messes already.

(Featured Image: Hillary Clinton at 1992 Inaugural Ball, credit Henry Dunay via Wikimedia Commons)

Tags: Hillary Clinton