France’s Jews Fled As Rioters Burned Shops To Chants Of ‘Gas The Jews’

While I had seen the images and videos, I did not realize the depth of the depravity exhibited in the anti-Jewish riots in Paris. HuffPo UK reports, France’s Jews Flee As Rioters Burn Paris Shops, Attack Synagogue:

France’s politicians and community leaders have criticised the “intolerable” violence against Paris’ Jewish community, after a pro-Palestinian rally led to the vandalizing and looting of Jewish businesses and the burning of cars.It is the third time in a week where pro-Palestinian activists have clashed with the city’s Jewish residents. On Sunday, locals reported chats of “Gas the Jews” and “Kill the Jews”, as rioters attacked businesses in the Sarcelles district, known as “little Jerusalem”.Manuel Valls, France’s prime minister said: “What happened in Sarcelles is intolerable. An attack on a synagogue and on a kosher shop is simply anti-Semitism. Nothing in France can justify this violence.”

The HuffPo post has numerous photos.

The Times [of London] Europe Edition reports, Jewish shops set ablaze in Paris’s Little Jerusalem:

He watched in horror as several hundred youths marched towards his synagogue chanting slogans that he had never thought would again be uttered in France.

“They were shouting: ‘Death to Jews,’ and ‘Slit Jews’ throats’,” said David, a Jewish sound engineer who has lived in the multicultural Parisian suburb of Sarcelles for 49 years. “It took us back to 1938.”

At a Paris synagogue, the mob tried to break through the protective ring of Jewish supporters (who falsely have been accused of provoking the riots):

Congregants watched in horror as protestors – many armed with knives, axes and broken bottles – stormed the building. The synagogue’s security guards rushed to keep out the intruders. For a few long moments, they fought alone; five sustained light injuries. Then they were relieved by police.The battle outside raged for hours. Another nearby synagogue was pelted with stones. “So we closed the synagogue and we asked everybody to stay inside until everything would be okay,” Monsieur Benhaim said. He heard the mob outside “all the time singing ‘Allah Akbar’ and ‘Kill the Jews’ – if you can call that a song.” Congregants were particularly concerned that police secure a nearby metro station, to stop them being attacked as they and their families made their way home at night.

More protests are planned for Paris and elsewhere in France later this week.

This is typical of the virulent anti-Semitism that has shown its head at “pro-Palestinian” protests in Europe and the United States. In Berlin they chanted “Jew, Cowardly Pig, Come On Out And Fight”, while in Boston it was “Jews back to Birkenau” and “Drop dead, you Zionazi whores.”

But remember, Zionism is to blame for the age-old Jew hatred according to a leader of the academic boycott movement, Prof. Steven Salaita:

Tags: Antisemitism, France, Gaza, Israel