Elizabeth Warren now “just like West Virginians”

I did a double take when I saw this headline, Meet the anti-Elizabeth Warren.

Then I saw the image and realized it was the “anti-Elizabeth Warren” in the sense of a female politician who is the opposite of Warren.


From the story:

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito’s friends and colleagues in Washington are so certain she’s headed for a promotion this year, they’re already addressing her as “senator.”Capito looks poised for a swift victory in the West Virginia Senate race this fall, thanks in no small part to overwhelming support from the business and banking sectors. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent $200,000 on ads supporting Capito. From her position on the House Financial Services Committee, the seventh-term congresswoman has vacuumed up money from the banking industry. She even received a check from Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat.Now, Democrats are hoping to cast Capito’s close ties to the industry as a political weak spot by portraying the congresswoman as a tool of Wall Street. On Monday, they amped up this strategy by bringing the populist Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to West Virginia to campaign for Democratic Senate nominee Natalie Tennant….Democrats, who recognize Capito has a solid advantage in the race, are hoping voters balk at Capito’s Wall Street ties. Using Warren as a surrogate for this message comes with some political risks — Democrats are gambling that Warren’s anti-Wall Street message will resonate with West Virginia voters and that her liberal policy positions, such as on coal, won’t be be a distraction.

The NRSC thinks tying Democrat Natalie Tennant to Warren is just what they are looking for, and Tennant is providing the material:

By the way, Elizabeth Warren didn’t grow up poor. She grew up in a solidly middle class edging towards upper middle class family.

Rising out of poverty is another one of Elizabeth Warren’s myths.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren