Did you get your Morning Insurrection?
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Did you get your Morning Insurrection?

Did you get your Morning Insurrection?

With Cyber Insurrection and Author Quick Hits content available only in the newsletter.

If you signed up, you should have received your first email of the new Morning Insurrection newsletter.

If you signed up but did not receive it, check your spam folder just in case (and designate it as non-spam so you don’t have future problems). [You can contact me here if you signed up but did not receive the newsletter.]

If you have not signed up, you don’t know what you are missing.

Isn’t that a terrible feeling, to not know what so many other people know? How can you live that way?

Feel good about yourself:


(By the way, can you keep the, ahem, “jokes” to yourself.)


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mumzieistired | July 28, 2014 at 9:37 am

Yes – and many thanks!

Yep, got it..

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | July 28, 2014 at 10:04 am

Yep, plus I can DIGG it!

I signed up yesterday and confirmed, but never got an email this morning?

    William A. Jacobson in reply to philips66. | July 28, 2014 at 11:58 am

    email me at the link above

      I just received the morning insurrection at 11:58am so I think all is well. THank you!

        LukeHandCool in reply to philips66. | July 28, 2014 at 12:24 pm

        In Zionist-controlled America, it’s good to know your petrodollars can still buy influence, Phillips66.

        William A. Jacobson in reply to philips66. | July 28, 2014 at 3:20 pm

        I hit the thumbs down by mistake. Meant just reply. Some readers are experiencing delays in receipt, particularly with Yahoo email accounts. Not sure why.

          Professor, don’t worry about that stray thumbs-down. In the grand scheme of things it’s a small matter. We’ll start being concerned about you the day you manage, like Ace of Spades, to ban yourself from your own blog.

          First issue of Morning Insurrection is already here and it’s a dandy. Carry on.

LukeHandCool | July 28, 2014 at 11:53 am

I also signed up but didn’t receive it.

LHC (who is used to daily petty acts of discrimination that come with being cute)

Yes. Appreciated. Enjoyed.

JackRussellTerrierist | July 28, 2014 at 12:34 pm

Yep, got it. Thank you again for all you do. 🙂

LukeHandCool | July 28, 2014 at 12:43 pm

Nice, quiet, uneventful, flaccid morning.

I mean, placid.

Got it!

Had to rescue it from the spam folder, but I got it!

Insufficiently Sensitive | July 28, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Have tried twice to sign up, total failure. I do not get a return email to click on.

Insufficiently Sensitive | July 28, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Third try worked. Got email and confirmed.

I received the email at 6:00 AM CST.

I also saw an apparition…”the ghost of Bill Buckley.”

Curses on Yahoo…I got it at ll:57 am. 🙁

    creeper in reply to Joy. | July 28, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Joy, you wouldn’t have learned to type on an old manual by chance, would you? I see you use the lower-case “L” (l) for the number one.

    Those of us still trying to get the carbon paper off our fingers and purple mimeo ink out from under the nails remember those days well. Typewriters back then didn’t even HAVE a number one key.

I received mine no problem and I think the professor was using a little Jewish guilt in his opening.

Got it, thanks! Keeping up daily … down here in NZ. 🙂

Taxpayer1234 | July 28, 2014 at 10:41 pm

Just read my copy of Morning Insurrection. Yay!