Unsustainable Models Week at College Insurrection
Another week of reports from the world of higher education.
Higher education can’t keep going the way it has been.
- Conservative Scholars Agree Traditional Higher Ed Model Not Sustainable
- New Documentary Film Examines the High Cost of College
Everyone is trying to figure out new ways to stay afloat.
- Can Student Loan Debt be Helped With Income-Share Agreements?
- Homework for Hire: Economics Student Works for UNC’s Student-Athletes
- Sugar Daddy University Opening in New York
But the writing is on the wall.
- Lower Enrollment Forces Suffolk University to Freeze Salaries
- William Peace University Offering Buyouts to Professors
- Colleges May Face Tougher Standards to Qualify for Federal Funds
Of course, not everyone has the same priorities.
- Harvard Prof Teams up With Fan of Boston Marathon Bomber to Squelch Free Speech
- Liberal Academics Panic as Idaho Campus Gun Law Goes Into Effect
- Delaware Democrats Block Transparency in Higher Ed
Some people are doing well despite current conditions. Especially in athletics.
- College Coaches are Washington State’s Highest Paid Employees
- 9 Year Old Girl Recruited by U. Miami Basketball Team
At least we can have a sense of humor about things.
Obama doesn’t seem to get how serious the problems are.
- Obama Says Spending on Prisons is Main Reason College Tuition Has Gone Up
- Easy Prediction: President’s New Student Loan Scheme Will Lead to Higher Costs
- Obama Tells UC Irvine Grads to Reject Climate-Change Skepticism
Department of LGBTQ and Gender Studies update…
- Many Colleges Giving Gay Students Special Honor Cords
- Student Group at U. Minnesota Demands Mandatory Transgender Classes
- Vancouver School Board Adds Three Pronouns to Address Transgender Students
Military campus news update…
- U. Arizona student reports on her dad’s scheduling troubles at Phoenix VA Hospitals
- Veteran Student at U. Wyoming Told He Can’t Open Meetings With Pledge of Allegiance
Some things never change…
- Religious Freedom Under Fire at Bowdoin College
- Prof Loses Think Tank Job for Disbelief in Climate Change
- Furman Student Reports on Feminist Fury After Edits Made to #YesAllWomen Wiki Page
But sometimes there are surprises…
And exciting new innovations…
- Kennesaw State Prof Invents New Term: ‘Liberal Privilege’
- King’s College Becomes First US School to Accept Bitcoin for Tuition
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
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Instead of finding new and elaborate ways to finance college for every single person, couldn’t we just find some way to craft a basic skills and intelligence test that wouldn’t be banned by the courts? A “functionally literate and numerate” certification? That used to be a high school diploma, but let’s be realistic and substitute something else.
They’ll find a way to ban it. This has happened in many cases.
How can colleges be short of money? My grand daughter applied to 4 colleges, each of which charged her a $50.00 application fee. If every person who applies to college does the same, and I assume they do, the colleges are getting tons of money from people who will not attend there.
Unsustainable models? Well, then get them to eat more.