Shudder: Imagine Susan Rice as Secretary of State

Susan Rice was an Obama favorite for Secretary of State, but withdrew from consideration after intense criticism of her handling of Benghazi talking points on Sunday morning shows.

You may remember that earlier this week, Susan Rice was sticking with her claim that Bowe Bergdahl served with honor and distinction.

As of this weekend, she’s backing off those comments.

John Nolte of Breitbart reports that even some on the left are beginning to wonder about Rice…

Left Questions Susan Rice’s CredibilityEugene Robinson is not only a left-wing Washington Post columnist, he is also a frequent MSNBC contributor. And like few others, Robinson has been a vigorous dead-ender when it comes to defending Barack Obama’s failed presidency. But even he is now questioning Susan Rice’s credibility and telling her to stay away from the Sunday talk show circuit:And finally, national security adviser Susan Rice. First she’s given incomplete talking points about Benghazi, then she’s dispatched to say on the talk shows that Bergdahl served with “honor and distinction.” If I were Rice, I’d start taking Sundays off.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bowe Bergdahl, Susan Rice