Newspaper That Endorsed Obama in 2008 Now Says He’s Worse Than Bush

If anyone working in media today wants to help restore some of the damage done to the reputation of their industry, an apology like this would be a great start.

Rather than using their influence to prop up Obama, the editors of the Billings Gazette in Montana are simply admitting they were wrong:

Gazette opinion: Obama earned the low ratingsSometimes, you have to admit you’re wrong.And, we were wrong.We said that things couldn’t get much worse after the sub par presidency of George W. Bush.But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal polls show that Americans are giving Obama lower marks than in 2006 when Iraq was going poorly for Bush and a tepid response to Hurricane Katrina sunk Bush’s ratings.It’s not that popularity polling should be the final or even best measure of a president. There is that old saw that points out there’s a difference between doing what is right and what is popular.For us, though, it’s the number of bungled or blown policies in the Obama administration which lead us to believe Obama has earned every bit of an abysmal approval rating.

John Nolte of Breitbart summarizes the rest of the piece:

In their reversal today, the Billings Gazette editorial board does not stop with Iraq. The laundry list of their disappointments is wide and deep: Obama’s un-American surveillance state, the Bowe Bergdahl swap, the mishandling of the VA, the “boondoggle” of ObamaCare, and the administration’s many sins against the media.Without even getting to the economy, the editors sum it up with, “[T]aken in completely, these demonstrate a disturbing trend of incompetence and failure.”

It’s too bad we couldn’t get this kind of honesty from more members of the media in 2008 and 2012. Better late than never, I guess.

Tags: Media Bias, Obama campaign