Missing IRS emails reflect pattern of non-phony scandals

Friday night, Ben Shapiro of Truth Revolt appeared on Megyn Kelly’s FOX News program to discuss Lois Lerner’s missing emails.

Trey Sanchez writes at Truth Revolt:

Host Megyn Kelly began by discussing the IRS investigation into the lost emails of ex-IRS official Lois Lerner. Initially, Kelly stated, Democrats and Republicans were both equally outraged. But as time has gone by, Democrats have lost their outrage, reinforced by President Obama, who insists not one smidgen of corruption is involved. Kelly said it was like IRS employees were saying, “Whoops! We’re sorry, we lost basically all of the evidence you need to prove your case against me.”

Shapiro explained the role the media plays in the parade of Obama scandals:

The problem is the media also has a very short attention span. So when George W. Bush, who they hated, was the president, then all these scandals lasted for the duration of his administration. Whereas with President Obama — honestly as a conservative it feels like it’s a scandal a month, and then every so often, President Obama decides to replace one scandal with another, the media loses interest. Two years later, we’re still asking the same questions and then told, ‘Well dude, that happened two years ago.’

Watch the clip:

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Tags: Barack Obama, IRS, Lois Lerner