“It doesn’t matter what his motives were, we all took an oath”

Soldiers who served with Bowe Bergdahl were in the news a lot this week offering their opinions on the situation and most of them are clearly not happy with Bergdahl being portrayed as a hero.

For the sin of interfering with the preferred narrative, these men have been accused of swift-boating Bergdahl and were even called psychopaths by a member of the Obama administration.

Megyn Kelly interviewed six of these men on her FOX News program Thursday night. Here’s a segment.

See more at FOX News.

Ben Domenech keeps the Bergdahl issue in perspective with a piece at The Federalist:

Four Things To Keep In Mind Regarding Bowe Bergdahl1. No one buys the White House line on this, not even the Senate. The White House says they had to do this illegal thing – skipping the obligation to inform the Senate a month ago – because the terrorists said they’d kill the hostage. That’s not a description of a post-war prisoner swap at all. It’s one or the other. Americans aren’t angry about this deal because of the way the Afghan war is ending – they are angry because they see a president willing to illegally circumvent Congress to release five bad guys and put lives at risk in an attempt to keep a campaign promise. Even Democrats in the Senate agree. Talk about a messaging breakdown.

Read the whole thing here.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bowe Bergdahl, Megyn Kelly