Hillary’s ‘Hard Choices’ Lightning Round
The topic of hard choices may have come up a few times in Clinton’s town hall interview on CNN.

We posted earlier here at Legal Insurrection about Hillary Clinton’s Tuesday evening FOX News interview.
Clinton also sat down Tuesday for a Town Hall interview that aired on CNN, as she has been making the rounds to promote her new book, “Hard Choices.”
The folks at Digitas Daily compiled a supercut video with their own version of that interview’s highlights, below.
In all seriousness, if you’re interested in seeing the actual highlights from that interview, CNN has posted some of them here, as well as additional video clips along the left column of the page.
[Featured image: CNN video]

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“Hard Choices for $1,000, Alex?”
“Q. What was Hillary’s hardest choice concerning her book Hard Choices?”
“A. Authorizing its consignment to the remainder bin before the end of June 2014.”
“Correct, and that adds another $1,000 to your considerable score.”
Hillary’s first week book sales: 85,721.
Palin’s first week book sales: 467,604.