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Bergdahl-Taliban fallout has the left spooked

Bergdahl-Taliban fallout has the left spooked

Most Democratic Party house media organs staying clear as lonely lefty writers struggle to deflect.

There’s a growing sense that, at least for now, the Bergdahl/Taliban exchange and its fallout has the left spooked.

Maybe Obama will wriggle out of this mess, too, either by way of the same tricks that have extricated him from so-called “scandals” such as Benghazi, or by distracting us in some new and horrific way. Or maybe there will be a hurricane somewhere that can provide a serendipitous photo-op to impress those Americans who have political attention-deficit disorder.

But at the moment this story, probably more than any other incident of Obama’s presidency, is one that makes him look bad. It appears to simultaneously expose his disregard for the safety of America and Americans, his sympathy for fundamentalist Islamist governments, his failure to do his homework, his drive towards greater executive power, his disregard for Congress (including some members of both parties) and the law itself, his mendacity, and the stupidity and collaboration of his advisors in all of the above.

I may have left something out, but you get the idea.

The military men and women who served with Bergdahl and on whom Obama counted to keep their mouths shut are (unlike the diplomats in Benghazi) speaking up and telling what they know.

The NY Times and Time and other organs that normally can be counted on to carry Obama’s water are spilling it all over the place.

That leaves lonely folk such as TNR’s Brian Beutler and Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce doing their level best to convince the world that it’s only vile Republicans complaining about the swap, and that their carping is motivated by petty politics and a cold attitude towards the suffering of prisoners of war.

But it’s not taking too well so far, not as well as during previous dustups. Obama and his advisors may be surprised at that because they may not have understood the feelings this story would tap into.

Peter Wehner understands that this story has had a visceral effect, shocking even some people who didn’t think themselves shockable anymore about anything Obama might do:

My response to what has occurred is not just intellectual but visceral. I consider what occurred, when everything is taken into account, to be substantively indefensible and morally dishonorable. The president, in my estimation, has rendered a great service to our enemies, and they know it. (Mullah Omar, the head of the Taliban, hailed the release of the top five Taliban commanders from Guantanamo as a “great victory” for the mujahideen of Afghanistan.) The president’s decision may well endanger American lives down the road. And his administration has elevated an apparent deserter–one whose actions were reported on in the past (see this 2012 Rolling Stone article by Michael Hastings) and who is responsible for the death of fellow soldiers who tried to rescue him–into a hero.

This strikes me as morally grotesque…

In this case, it’s the president and I who occupy different worlds, including different moral worlds.

This story, unlike some of the others, is neither hard to understand nor difficult to follow. It seems awful on its face, and many of the American people are reacting on that same visceral level. For how long they will react that way, however, and to what effect, I do not know.

As evidence of the revulsion towards what Obama has done and towards Bergdahl’s actions, I present Facebook’s “Bring Bowe Bergdahl Back” page and its fellows:

A number of individuals who initially supported the page’s mission are now having second thoughts as troubling revelations continue to emerge…

The page, which is nearly five years old, has about 34,500 likes as of this writing. Other pages, including one called ‘Bowe Bergdahl is a Traitor,’ have already attracted nearly as much attention in just the past 48 hours.

Administrators of that page are sharing anonymous comments by self-identified soldiers who offer a glimpse into their knowledge of Bergdahl and the circumstances of his ostensible capture by the Taliban.

Comments on the page show an overwhelming shift in public sentiment regarding the prisoner.

When Chris Matthews and Diane Feinstein are among the critics, Obama knows he’s got a problem. Jon Stewart, an Obama supporter who was already angry at the Obama administration over the VA hospital scandal, is at least as unhappy about the prisoner exchange, too.

All of this indicates that there’s something about this one that—at least temporarily—is achieving a level of disgust with Obama that doesn’t seem to have been reached previously. But the only obvious remedy, impeachment, seems to still be politically unavailable. I repeat a question that’s been asked before: what would Obama have to due to trigger a real possibility of impeachment in the House leading to actual conviction in the Senate?

(Featured image: CNN video, names of three soldiers killed tattooed on soldier Josh Korder, who served with Bergdahl)

[Neo-neocon is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at neo-neocon.]


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DINORightMarie | June 5, 2014 at 8:49 am

…what would Obama have to due (stet) to trigger a real possibility of impeachment in the House leading to actual conviction in the Senate?….

Obama would not have to do anything else.

We the People, however, need to flip the Senate with SOLID Conservative senators, and boot out the establishment cronies who have back-door (or even openly) supported Obama these last 5+ years. And INCREASE the Conservative House members’ numbers.

Then – and ONLY then – will an impeachment be voted on, and acted upon.

Obama has already done several “impeachable offenses” – i.e. “high crimes and misdemeanors”. The problem lies with the Congress and the press diving deeper in the tank when each scandal, each breach of the law, each egregious usurpation of the Executive’s Constitutional limits occurs.

As for the press, they are the loose cannon; however, their credibility number is nearly as low in the public’s opinion of Congress. I don’t even know if the race card would save Obama over this one.

    Valerie in reply to DINORightMarie. | June 5, 2014 at 9:32 am

    If we do all that, we won’t need to impeach him. We will have put a stop to him early.

      Rick in reply to Valerie. | June 5, 2014 at 10:37 am

      I wish what you wrote were so, but I don’t see the makeup of the Congress having any impact on obama’s conduct after this November’s elections.

    smalltownoklahoman in reply to DINORightMarie. | June 5, 2014 at 11:17 am

    Well said! Yes, strong conservatives NEED to win congressional seats! That will be our best chance to boot that bum out of the White House.

    A question: should Obama be impeached can he then also be tried for treason? Trading 5 Taliban leaders for a soldier who not only deserted his post but may have in fact collaborated with the enemy should (at least one would think) place the president in mighty dangerous legal territory.

I hope every elected Democrat in the country and every left-wing blogger and journolist chains their credibility tightly to Bowe Bergdahl.

    Fen in reply to myiq2xu. | June 5, 2014 at 11:01 am

    When has failed credibility ever had any consequence for the Left? They’ll just keep on churning out drek, and the idiots that follow them will keep swallowing it.

    Appealing to their fear of shame is a wasted effort. They have none.


Again, our young troopers provide an example of courage and devotion to duty that excels even their service while in uniform. These young people are awesome.

If we have reasons for hope, they are certainly high in the pantheon.

Obama and his advisors are not so tone deaf or stupid as one might imagine from this debacle. They merely underestimated the type, and above all, the number, of people they intentionally offended.

This exchange was intended to be a thumb in the eye of the military, the “right,” and those old fogey Senators that stood in their way, not to mention those intelligence types who keep giving them those stern warnings.

They intended to do for this known deserter what Bill Ayer’s family did for him: “Guilty as sin, free as a bird!” They all got the joke. They all know how perverse this action was.

What they did not know is how many Americans do not accept the joke.

NC Mountain Girl | June 5, 2014 at 9:39 am

There will have to be serious erosion of support among black voters before the Democrats would be able to even acquiesce on impeachment. They may be unhappy with Obama but they all know that a lot of red states would turn purple if urban blacks stopped turning out in numbers and giving 90+ percent if their votes to Democrats. That’s how Obama got the nomination in 2008. The super delegates caved on Hillary out of fears that low black turnout would cost them races lower down the ticket.

Could this deal help cause such an erosion? Many blacks do see the armed forces as a ticket into the middle class and Obama has put their sons and daughters at risk. Also, even the most lo-info voter can easily grasp that Obama gave up a lot of serious bad guys for one useless rat.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | June 5, 2014 at 10:24 am

>> what would Obama have to due to trigger a real possibility of impeachment in the House leading to actual conviction in the Senate? <<

He'll only be impeached if elected Democrats turn on him, and they're not going to turn on him as long as he's got approval ratings of 40%+. Blame the electorate. It's our fault.

The question you really need to ask is why the electorate still gives him 40%+ approval ratings in light of the incessant lying, unconstitutional abusive overreach, incompetence, etc.

When the electorate is polled, they could choose not to answer, to say they disapprove, or say they approve. And 40%+ consistently say they approve.

It's more evidence, I think, that the country has shifted much further left ideologically than many conservatives want to admit. It is quite depressing.

    America is not going to impeach the first black president. Not going to happen, and if it did it would make him a martyr. Look at what happened with Clinton. I can’t think of a better way to save his presidency than to attempt impeachment.

      MarkS in reply to Fen. | June 5, 2014 at 1:28 pm

      Unfortunately, you are correct.

      Exiliado in reply to Fen. | June 5, 2014 at 7:48 pm

      I agree. It is not going to happen.

      But if it did happen and they made him into a martyr, I am OK with it. Make him a martyr all they want, as long as he is kicked out of the White House.

    Much of the electorate is still worried about seeming to be “racist” if they disapprove.

Methinks the ‘talking’ military men and women who served with Bergdahl can expect an IRS audit, coming to their APO address in the near future. It’s how Obama operates.

    platypus in reply to walls. | June 6, 2014 at 2:09 am

    Methinks they will continue to get their pensions since they MUST have been given permission to talk about classified matters (opsec). I do not believe for one second that this is anything but a carefully orchestrated script. I just don’t know where it’s going or why it exists.

    Out of control uprising? Don’t make me laugh.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | June 5, 2014 at 10:31 am


No Leftist is a Good Leftist.

Let them be spooked out of all their Evil.

It appears to simultaneously expose his disregard for the safety of America and Americans, his sympathy for fundamentalist Islamist governments, his failure to do his homework, his drive towards greater executive power, his disregard for Congress (including some members of both parties) and the law itself, his mendacity, and the stupidity and collaboration of his advisors in all of the above.

I may have left something out, but you get the idea

That he is evil.

“That leaves lonely folk such as TNR’s Brian Beutler and Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce doing their level best to convince the world that it’s only vile Republicans complaining about the swap”

Add StoneKettle to the list of hacks. He has to spend the first 500 words just bashing strawman to get his readers’s lathered up for his anti-conservative rant. Short version: its all about racism! towards The One.

I think he wants to be famous:


Henry Hawkins | June 5, 2014 at 2:01 pm

I can readily see this Bergdahl scandal as the straw that finally broke the camel’s back where Obama’s incompetency is concerned. Unfortunately, I can more readily see this fading away like all previous scandals.

Momentarily put on their heels, the Probama Media has already memorized its WH-issued talking points and is circling wagons, while assorted mid-level administration spokesmonkeys are ladling out the anti-ack-ack chaff left and right. One warns it might be that Bergdahl is the only normal soldier in his unit and all the rest are psychopaths. I’m waiting for Susan Rice to go back on cable to suggest that those accusing soldiers just might be alien shape-shifters, so let’s not jump to conclusions. MSLSD spent last night rehabilitating Daddy Bergdahl as a rock-solid Christian gentleman understandably doing what he can to get his baby back.

Well, Daddy Bergdahl got one bit of advice right. To anyone in Congress not inclined to take this whole swap thing 100% seriously, I advise this: OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE.

“Comments on the page show an overwhelming shift in public sentiment regarding the prisoner”

Bergdahl wasn’t a prisoner.

    platypus in reply to randian. | June 6, 2014 at 2:12 am

    If he was a prisoner, they would have killed him long ago. The only way for him to survive was to flip.

    These guys don’t have POW camps, and for a good reason – they don’t need them.

lifeofgrace | June 6, 2014 at 8:40 am

The Bowe Bergdahl trade for the Taliban Five was a planned, thought-out strategy, and may be the most brilliant chess move Obama has made since taking office.