Shocking Report Suggests Obamacare Still Unpopular
All the lipstick in the world can’t pretty up the Obamacare pig
You know things aren’t going well when the Washington Post is forced to report bad news for Democrats.
Scott Clement and Aaron Blake recently wrote…
Why Obamacare isn’t getting any more popular — and probably won’t
In just one week, a barrage of national polling has reached the same verdict: Obamacare’s Rocky Balboa-esque announcement that 8 million people have signed up for health care has done absolutely nothing to reverse the law’s basic and long-standing unpopularity.
A new high of 55 percent disapproves of the law in a Pew Research Center/USA Today poll. And the Kaiser Family Foundation’s tracking poll, a Post-ABC poll and a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last week all found little lasting changes from earlier this year — when the law was at the heart of its implementation struggles.
The stagnant numbers would seem to fly in the face of the strong publicity the law earned by passing 7 million and then 8 million sign-ups. For a law that had experienced almost nothing but bad news for months, one would think a little good news would lead to at least a little recovery.
And some polls initially suggested that might be the case. But whatever momentum the law carried from the sign-ups announcement — and a later projection that it will actually cost less than previously thought — has gone by the wayside.
The stark numbers are bad news for Democrats, but they also shouldn’t be surprising. Attitudes on the law have not fluctuated much since its passage in 2010 and are deeply entwined with long-held partisan loyalties, helped along by a highly political public debate.
Democrats deserve to pay a high political price for Obamacare in 2014, 2016 and beyond. Maybe that will make them think twice the next time they decide to reform one sixth of the American economy on a purely partisan vote in the middle of the night behind closed doors.
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You’re assuming that they are rational…
“Next time we’ll do it RIGHT!”
eternal cry of the socialists
Or its “But it will work better this time”
The dems keep rationalizing the reasons why the public isn’t loving it. They were warned not to do it and they did it anyway. They believed that when it was passed and the goodies were known, we would love it and we didn’t. They believed that when we were forced into it we would thank them for taking care of us and we don’t. It was supposed to insure the uninsured and more lost insurance. No matter what the supreme court said, the ACA is unconstitutional. Nothing short of total destruction of the dem party will do at this point.
“Democrats deserve to pay a high political price for Obamacare in 2014, 2016 and beyond. Maybe that will make them think twice the next time they decide to reform one sixth of the American economy on a purely partisan vote in the middle of the night behind closed doors.”
Yes. Next time they’ll outlaw negative polls (except against Republicans).
It will only get worse for ObamaCare as people begin to use it. Lots of these younger people don’t realize yet that they will have out of pocket expenses at least equal to their premiums before they get any benefits paid for treatments.
The employer mandate will kick in and the same thing will happen with cancellations and price increases as happened with the individual mandate, except 15 times as many people will be directly affected.
At which point the people rise up and hang every Democrat they can find.
(Okay, the last part may be imaginary).
Ya know, there’s a reason that business marketers use attractive models in their advertising… just saying…