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Cat forces dog to check its privilege

Cat forces dog to check its privilege

Today we are all cat bloggers

AMAZING VIDEO: Cat saves boy from dog attack in Southwest Bakersfield

A cat came to her best friend’s rescue Tuesday when a young boy was attacked by a dog in his driveway in Southwest Bakersfield and it was all caught on video.

The surveillance video shows the boy, 4-year-old Jeremy, playing on his bicycle. He was coming home from school when he wanted to fly a kite. Jeremy has mild autism.

The neighbor’s dog sneaks up behind him and bites his leg.

The family’s cat, named Tara, rushes the attacking dog and chased it away.

For those of you who just want to stare at the screen, here you go (click on image):

Cat rescues boy from dog


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Good kitty.

SmokeVanThorn | May 14, 2014 at 4:00 pm

If that were my kid, the neighbor would be wondering who to call to dispose of a dog carcass.

Faced with an aggressive response the dog ran.

That was a predatory attack, not a threat response type of attack by the dog. It thought the kid was prey.

If left to it’s own devices it will do it again.

Were it my neighbor after they paid for the stitches, and a nice present for my son their choices would be, keep the dog under lock and key or bury it. Because the next time I saw it outside and unleashed I’d kill it.

    Sanddog in reply to ThomasD. | May 14, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    I like my dogs better than I like 99% of the people I know but if one of my dogs did that….I’d have them euthanized. You just can’t guarantee that dog won’t somehow have the opportunity to go after someone else.

    Humphrey's Executor in reply to ThomasD. | May 14, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    And a case of tuna for the ninja kitty.

    Paul in reply to ThomasD. | May 14, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    absolutely right, in different circumstances that boy would have been lunch.

    Estragon in reply to ThomasD. | May 15, 2014 at 1:57 am

    You are far too forgiving.

    That dog must be put down. This was an unprovoked attack on a child.

    And the owner is going to be sued for letting that predator roam the public streets and trespass onto my property. And I hope his insurance won’t cover his contributory negligence.

moonstone716 | May 14, 2014 at 4:29 pm

What’s up with the two different camera angles? Who caught the dog sneaking around the car and then from the other side as he was attacking the boy? Probably staged.

MouseTheLuckyDog | May 14, 2014 at 4:53 pm

So what is going to happen to the dog?
Will he get the death penalty?

    Elliott in reply to MouseTheLuckyDog. | May 14, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    The local TV station reported the dog is in ten day observation (rabies) before it is put down. The owners are not protesting that decision. Heck putting it down may be their request. It may have other aggression problems towards them also and this is the last straw.

      tom swift in reply to Elliott. | May 14, 2014 at 5:41 pm

      Sounds like a stall.

      Presence or absence of rabies is usually determined by examination of tissues from the brain stem and cerebellum. The ten day observation period is an alternative to post-mortem examination.

      In other words, if the animal is going to be euthanized, that’s done first, then the tissues are examined during a necropsy. If it is not going to be euthanized unless it’s actually rabid, then it undergoes the ten day observation period.

      At least that’s the official procedure of the federal CDC. What they do in CA, well, who knows.

Dear Professor Jacobson,

Please stop writing about cats.

    Ragspierre in reply to Exiliado. | May 14, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    What? Your worried this will become just another pussy site?

    (I know… I repudiate myself.)

    rinardman in reply to Exiliado. | May 14, 2014 at 8:06 pm

    Or dogs. Or any stupid animals!

    Well, with the exception of progressives. Your blog would be nothing but blank pages, if they’re excluded.

Awesome Kitty!!

I’m a dog person, and I love dogs.

But that one needs to be put down. He wasn’t threatened, wasn’t scared, the kid wasn’t bullying him or attacking him.

This was a straight up attack.

Hah ha I want Andrew Branca’s self defense piece on this.

The dog’s behavior is a problem, but the cat’s behavior is beyond bizarre. I’ve seen cats do some pretty peculiar things, like rifle through someone’s wallet looking for money (I’m not making this up); but charging a dog – even worse, a dog which isn’t threatening the cat – is something cats just don’t do. Ever.

Unusual behavior by animals, wild or domestic – cats, dogs, ferrets, racoons, squirrels, bats, etc – is the first sign that an area may have a rabies problem. You don’t have to wait for an animal to bite to realize that something’s amiss.

A reasonable precaution in this case might be to put the dog down pronto, and keep the cat under observation for the usual ten days.

    smalltownoklahoman in reply to tom swift. | May 14, 2014 at 8:59 pm

    Actually not unprecedented for cats to attack and chase larger animals.

    There’s more if you wish to look. Trying typing cat vs. [select animal] in youtube’s search bar.

      tom swift in reply to smalltownoklahoman. | May 14, 2014 at 9:59 pm

      Which is why I said dogs, not bears or anything else.

      I have witnessed cat vs. dog staredowns, which sometimes end with the cat chasing the dog. These were animals which lived together; nothing remotely like the action involved here.

    Tom I read a slightly different take on this story, regarding the cat. It was protecting the child when it went after the dog.

    A dog and cat in the same house can live in harmony. A cat can become very attached to its owner. Cats have the same instincts as dogs when it comes to rescuing owners in precarious situations.

    This was a situation where the boy, a member of the cat’s household was in danger. The cat behaved in a very instinctive way.

    On the other hand, the puppy acted in a very aggressive way. The breed of the dog is important. If it was a X breed, then it could have some very aggressive genes. Whatever, it did not behave in a way that most puppies do when they manage to escape the back yard.

      Humphrey's Executor in reply to Aussie. | May 14, 2014 at 11:03 pm

      I’m no cat psychologist (talk about a career opportunity)but this looks more like a cat instinctively protecting its space from an aggressive intruder. Note how the cat chases the dog to the edge of the property and then immediately retreats. Still, a great guard cat.

        Lady Penguin in reply to Humphrey's Executor. | May 15, 2014 at 2:10 am

        The cat shows up in several of the views, including going around the car to continue chasing away the dog. Basically the family cat did protect its human member. Probably sunning on the sidewalk, minding own business until the dog actually attacked, not necessarily when the dog first appeared.

    Estragon in reply to tom swift. | May 15, 2014 at 1:59 am

    Rabies doesn’t turn you into a superhero, it eats your brain alive.

      tom swift in reply to Estragon. | May 15, 2014 at 2:05 pm

      The first diagnostic sign of rabies is unusual behavior by an animal. Any unusual behavior. Not surprisingly, most witnesses misinterpret the early signs or miss them entirely. They dismiss it as “cute” or anthropomorphize it to epidemiological insignificance. If the odd behavior is rabies, the animal is toast; once it becomes “established” in the nervous system, it cannot be cured. But like most diseases, its effects are progressive – mild at first, then more severe, and finally fatal.

    ThomasD in reply to tom swift. | May 15, 2014 at 2:46 pm

    Had an uncle who inherited a cat from my family when we found out my brother was terribly allergic to cats.

    That cat used to take walks with my uncle – walking along right beside him through the neighborhood. Any animal that approached them, cat or dog, got aggressively chased away by the cat.

    After returning the cat would then post itself on the front porch and guard the yard similarly.

    Strange behavior for a cat, but hardly unheard of.

This post isn’t about dogs and cats. It’s about the proper behavior when someone is trying to kill your ambassador.

    Uncle Samuel in reply to gibbie. | May 14, 2014 at 11:25 pm


    Lady Penguin in reply to gibbie. | May 15, 2014 at 2:12 am

    Wonder how many got the metaphor(?). Purrfect!

    gregjgrose in reply to gibbie. | May 15, 2014 at 8:01 pm

    Men in Black?

    Years ago, gardened frequently, had an ongoing (multiple) gopher problem. Traps = dead gophers. Sometimes, I’d set an early-morning trap and have a warm corpse 20 minutes later.

    My hand to God, one day I fed a suchlike trapee to our outdoor cat. Went back to the rose bushes. Little while later, guess who shows up and presents me with a freshly killed mouse?

    I called it a trans-species gift exchange…

    And yes I know, lots of cats present their catches, and no, I didn’t eat the mouse.

I do not like dogs. It is funny… many people don’t like cats and no one thinks anything of it but when I mention that I just flat out do not like dogs, people get all kinds of upset.

Two years ago I had to sell a house in a down market because two yuppie neighbors put two labs in their back yard that barked all day long. No matter what I did they just ignored it and left the damn dogs out to bark. Those dogs cost me almost $30K and two years of peace and quiet.

People say “It’s not the dog, it is the dog’s owner.” Bull… it is a dogs nature to bark, to shit on sidewalks, to jump on people and to stick their noses in peoples crotches. It is up to the owner to change the behavior that is natural to the dog.

I don’t want to pet you dog. I don’t want to listen to it bark. I don’t want to step in its mess and I don’t want the damn thing to aggressively approach me while you are barely able to control the leash all the time saying “It’s ok he won’t hurt you.”

I don’t like dogs.

DouglasJBender | May 15, 2014 at 8:37 am

“Soft kitty…warm kitty…OW!! OW!! OW!!”

What shocked me about the video is not the cat’s valiance, which happened so immediately that it could be nothing other than an instinctive reaction. Helluva cat.

What shocked me was that dog doing what he did. I’m a pretty good judge of dogs, and never in a million years would I have predicted that dog would attack that boy the way he did. It was completely unprecedented in my experience. Bizarre.

I am a dog lover and always have been. Dogs are perhaps the finest animal every crafted by God. But they are animals, and no animal can be tolerated that is a clear and present danger to humans. It has to be put down. People tend to infantilize pets because they can’t log into Facebook reliably or factor quadratic equations correctly. But they can plot a murder quite perfectly because that’s how God made them. What makes them tolerable is their tendency to not murder allies. This dog’s “avoid murder” switch is faulty.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Immolate. | May 15, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    It takes a special kind of perversion for an owner to have both the anger to make a dog that way and the apathy to leave him out like that. I’ve seen it before and it made me want to “put down” the owner.

    ThomasD in reply to Immolate. | May 15, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    You are correct in that the dog has been poorly socialized, so does not associate humans with ‘like kind’ and instead sees small, defenseless ones as tasty snacks.

    IOW it is a coyote disguised as a house pet.

healthguyfsu | May 15, 2014 at 11:59 am

The dog looks kinda like a white hispanic…

theduchessofkitty | May 15, 2014 at 6:50 pm

Good kitty!!!

See? This is one of the many reasons I love kitty-cats!

Henry Hawkins | May 15, 2014 at 8:57 pm

Most of my life I liked cats but loved dogs if you get the distinction. But we have two cats at present that have snuck within my wire, so to speak. The one is a tiny 8 lb female now 17 years old, but who shows not the least sign of aging. Looks and acts like a 2 year old, playful, etc. The other cat is the other end of all scales. He’s a 12 year old male, a huge 20 lb tom and none of it is fat. He’s a lover aptly named Baby, but on first sight visitors to our home pull up short and look to us for guidance about how best to safely proceed. He’s a lover, but he looks like the cat equivalent of a Hell’s Angels lifer, more scar than skin. He’s a hunter. We live riverside, game is abundant, and he leaves enough meat on the back deck to feed our whole family – mice, rats, voles, moles, water rats, birds, snakes, rabbits, and pieces of what all I do not care to know. Sometimes no meat, just a tidy pile of what I assume are the choicest internal organs from a…. ?