The incurious media when it comes to Obama admin scandals

Via The Free Beacon:

Sharyl Attkisson appeared on O’Reilly Factor Thursday night to discuss her time at CBS News in an exclusive interview. Attkisson revealed that higher ups at CBS had killed her investigative reporting on a number of stories that included Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and Obamacare. CBS told Attkisson she had to abandoned her story regarding Fast and Furious because of lack of interest. According to Attkisson “It came to me I don’t think on the viewers’ part but on the people that decide what stories go into the broadcast and what there is room for, they felt fairly early on that this story was over when I felt as though we had barely begun to scratch the surface.” “As I felt we were beginning to scratch beneath the surface on that scandal as well which I think had many legitimate questions yet to be asked and answered. Interest was largely lost in that story as well on the part of the people that are responsible for deciding what goes on the news. Interest was largely lost on the part of the people that decide what goes on the news,” Attkisson said regarding her reporting on the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Tags: Media Bias