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On The Mark Levin Show talking Israel and the boycotters

On The Mark Levin Show talking Israel and the boycotters

I had the pleasure of appearing tonight on The Mark Levin Show.

We covered the anti-Israel boycott movement, and why it should matter to conservatives.

Thanks to Mark for shining a spotlight on this issue.

Thanks also to our friends at The Right Scoop for pulling the audio for us so I could post it quickly.

Check out My debate challenge to Vassar pro-boycott faculty.


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stevewhitemd | April 21, 2014 at 9:50 pm

Well done. The two of you work together well.

You were outstanding, well done 🙂

DINORightMarie | April 21, 2014 at 10:12 pm

I heard a snippet of this on-air, but couldn’t listen. So proud that The Great One had you on his show – when I heard the topic, I hoped he would read your posts.

But live interview – AWESOME!!!

Best interview you’ve done yet, Professor.

39 against one is not a fair fight …. for the poor, unfortunate 39.

Get Branco to do a cartoon and send the original to his fan, Dana Perino, so she can talk about it on “The Five.”

Wish people, including Levin, would stop referring to as a “blog”.

It was a blog back in 2008.

Today, it’s the top destination hub for independent journalism and intelligence exchange for citizen activists and candidates.

    Vince in reply to Aucturian. | April 22, 2014 at 1:59 am

    What is it now? Just curious what your objection to the phrasing of LI as a “blog” is because that’s what I consider it. And I don’t think anything of less of it because of that term.

Congrats on the national media. It doth pay to focus.

Very enlightening interview.