Inequality is a Riot Week at College Insurrection

Noted rich liberal to teach income inequality for a gigantic pile of cash.

Everyone reacts differently when they feel they’re not being treated equally.

Some people just give up and cheat.

Or deny reality.

Or stage ridiculous protests.

Still, there’s no doubt that some people are treated more equally than others.

Sometimes stupid people riot when they think they’re not being treated equally.

At its core, equality is really about fairness, so here are some questions…

Is censorship fair?

Is revisionist history fair?

Is it fair that Condoleezza Rice is targeted while Obama gets a pass?

Sometimes fairness is just based on appearances.

Or stupidity.

In the end… life isn’t fair.

Just try to be an inspiration to others.

And try not to hurt yourself.

Because despite the horrible economy…

And the higher ed bubble…

If you work hard you can get a job.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

Featured image via YouTube with emphasis added by yours truly.

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