.@DCCC War on Women defense “doesn’t even pass the smell test” – #MA06
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.@DCCC War on Women defense “doesn’t even pass the smell test” – #MA06

.@DCCC War on Women defense “doesn’t even pass the smell test” – #MA06

Marisa DeFranco goes On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, talks about MA-06 primary race

We wrote a couple of days ago about Marisa DeFranco, challenging John Tierney in the Democratic Primary in MA-06, Female Democratic candidate charges War on Women … by Democratic machine.

Our write-up was picked up by The Daily Caller, which got a Drudge link, as well as Townhall and NewsMax.

But the story really went national last night when Marisa appeared On the Record with Greta:


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LukeHandCool | April 26, 2014 at 5:32 pm


A Vagina Monologue that Democrats don’t want to hear.

Put a burqa over it, baby.

I see her problem. She’s more intelligent and better looking than the party favorites.

Something tells me she and Pelosi may have a problem communicating.

Smart and pretty in the Democratic party ? Is that a Oxymoron ? Think so .