Dartmouth grievance list designed to ensure MLK Jr.’s dream never comes true

When I saw this segment on The O’Reilly Factor about student grievances at Dartmouth, I thought is was just more of the same.

Then I read the List (h/t The Other McCain).


Read it for yourself at the bottom of this post.

The students behind the list took over the President’s office to demand specific responses to each item on the list.

The takeover, and the list, have generated articles in The Wall Street Journal, The Dartmouth Review, and elsewhere. (As an aside, one of the grievances is to force The Review to stop using the name Dartmouth unless it stops using the term “Indian” in the publication.)

The list contains 72 (by the WSJ’s count) bulleted demands most which seek race-, sexuality- and ethnicity-based treatment of students, staff and faculty.

There actualy were a handful of grievances with which I agree, including this one:

Eradicate internal judicial processes for students that break laws, those crimes will be reported directly to police.

There was a lot missing from the list, like a focus on raising academic standards. But college increasingly is not about academics, anyway, it’s about “social justice” retribution and entitlement entrenchment.

But the one glaring demand missing from the list was this:

That “[students] live [on a campus] where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

In fact, almost everything on the grievance list is designed to insure that that dream never comes true.

The Plan for Dartmouth’s Freedom Budget – Items for Transformative Justice at Dartmouth

(Featured Image Source: YouTube)

Tags: Dartmouth, Political Correctness