Cornell Anti-Israel Divestment Group Doubles Down on Passover Strategy

I broke the news last night that Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine had timed its push for a Divestment Resolution to take place over the Passover holiday, ALERT: Sneak Passover Anti-Israel Divestment attack at Cornell.

The Resolution was proposed at the last possible minute, with a surprise committee vote presentation (assisted by the President of the Assembly, I’m told) enabling it to be listed as “new business” for a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Procedurally, as new business, a vote cannot take place tomorrow, but it is on track this way for the following Thursday. And smack in the middle of this time period are the first two nights of Passover and it takes place during Passover.

Coincidence? I doubt it. Cornell SJP is doubling down on the Passover strategy, issuing an appeal for its members to pack the audience tomorrow to try to prevent the Resolution being tabled and keeping it on the fast track:

Jewish and pro-Israel groups are organizing, and have started a Facebook Page and Petition to the Assembly against the Resolution (the Petition is open to “members and friends of the Cornell University community” — that would include not only students, but family, alumni and anyone else).

I don’t think the sneak Passover attack will work, but what’s important is that they tried it. That tells you everything you need to know about the desperation of the BDS movement and what they really are about.

Related coverage:

Tags: BDS, Cornell, Passover, SJP