Anti-Israel “National Day of Action” scheduled for Passover

When the Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine tried to schedule their last-minute anti-Israel Divestment Resolution for Passover week, I assumed that was something isolated to Cornell.  (The attempt was defeated yesterday.)

But maybe not.

Passover starts on the night of April 14, and seders are held that night and the night of April 15.  Religious Jews do not work on April 15-16.

The Cornell SJP action to try to push a vote on Divestment during Passover is not an isolated event.

Next Wednesday, April 16, is a coordinated National Day of Action called by the National SJP organization (via Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers):

The SJP National Day of Action is a call for all SJP chapters to stand up and fight against these injustices on campus. It is a call to stand for the rights of Palestinians, and a call to end university complicity in the Israeli occupation. Through their coordinated program of sit-ins, rallies, and teach-ins, SJP chapters across the country are sending the unequivocal message that we will not be silenced or intimidated by Zionist groups or campus administrations.

Is the timing for Passover coincidence?

Unlikely.  Increasingly SJP actions around the country are coordinated by non-students.  I find it hard to believe Passover week in general, and the second day of Passover specifically, were not chosen for a reason.

Tags: BDS, Cornell, Israel, Passover, SJP