Will Joni go to Washington? “I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm”
Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst isn’t kidding around when it comes to taking on D.C.

What do you think?
Joni Ernst, running for Senate in Iowa, threatens Washington, D.C.’s manhood (or what passes for manhood in D.C.):
I don’t know anything about Joni Ernst, but the image of her pinning Harry Reid to the ground and, well, you know, should get her some attention.
Does that ad top Dale Peterson’s 2010 ad for Alabama Agricultural Commissioner?

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That makes me want to move to Iowa, just so I can vote for her. Hey, wait, if I register Democrat, I can vote without having to move, right?
Double Rations for the poster who can find bumper stickers to go with that ad! Those would sell like hotcakes and bacon!
Some castrating is overdue in Washington, kick ass Joni
I don’t know. I think it’s already been done to most of the GOP men.
Onward to the progressive women. T4T I say.
I would settle for someone building a fence between the Hogs and the trough!
You are correct sir! The castrating takes away the urge to reproduce. It DOES NOT affect the appetite!
Forwarded to everyone I know in Iowa. Love the “I know how to cut pork” line.
Her ad also says she was a soldier. Gotta love that gal!
She might discover that finding anything to…er…geld…would be difficult in D.C….
Not just any soldier:
“she’s been in the Army Reserves for more than 20 years, which included a stint in Iraq, and is now a lieutenant colonel in the state National Guard. She’s also a state senator, a motorcycle fan, a lifetime member of the NRA, and a grandmother of six.”
(per Real Clear Politics)
…AND hubby is a retired Command Sargent Major Army Ranger.
So she knows from orbs…
It would be fun to anticipate a time of what she would say if confronting Sen. Pryor (D-Ark) who claims candidates who are veterans ( Tom Cotton R-Ark opposition) and running for office make a campaign point of veteran status, as being unfair as it conveys a since of “entitlement” . It would be a “squealer” to see her take Pryor up on his point of view.
That was a thing of beauty. I can just imagine some of those slimy jerks in DC clutching themselves after watching it.
I hit this in the Tipline. Legs are crossing all over DC today.
Sounds like Joni is bossy with microaggressive tendencies toward ruling class incumbents. More please.
Not many Republican Senators who haven’t long since been castrated…
Where’s the “rube brigade” from the left? Surely they see her in the same light they see Palin.
I can only hope and pray she gets elected and becomes a thorn in the sides of the likes of Reid and his cronies.
Great ad!
Although I would note in passing that Dale Peterson lost his race.
And been arrested twice since, allegedly shoplifting or drinking and accidentally taking beer outside the store before paying because he had to take a leak, or something.
The ad did set Peterson up as the kingmaker. It was a three way primary. Before the ad Peterson polled 5%. Afterwards he polled at 28% and forced a runoff between Dorman Grace and John McMillan. Peterson ran another ad endorsing McMillan, who won the primary and the general election.
Call me a cynic, but you don’t get elected in Iowa vowing to cut farm subsidies and kill the ethanol boondoggle.
May I remind you..
Senator Kelly Ayotte
Rep. Renee Ellmers
…among others-
TEA Party to get elected, then-
Have at it, but emotional reactions to a 30 second ad just isn’t my cup of tea.
Nope, sloganeering off a teleprompter-bumper sticker messaging.
Not buying what she’s selling. Not yet.
I’m not in Ellmer’s district, but not far from it and the radio is saturated with Ellmer ads claiming – get this – that she’s a conservative who is against amnesty and working hard to secure our borders (!!!). Flat out lies. The instant she got elected she dropped the conservative schtick and climbed into the GOP establishment lap. Unfortunately for her, there is also a lot of noise in NC about the blatant lies in her ads.
(Meanwhile, in the NC senate race against Kay Hagan, GOP primary Tea Party guy Dr. Greg Brannon has been endorsed by Mike Lee and Rand Paul so far, while Glenn Beck said he loved Brannon so much that during their interview Beck wanted to lean over and French kiss him. Well, that’s what Beck said).
Both ads are fabulous!
I would have to go with Joni’s IA Senate ad. Just because it makes the same point in only 31 seconds. Brevity is indeed the soul of wit – and political commercials!
But that Peterson for Ag Commish ad never gets old.
Castrate Washington. What better message could you possibly have?
A plan that includes something for Nancy Pelosi.
Dems know they are in trouble this election cycle.
Just like before, they will fund faux tea party candidates and “Independents” to split the vote-
She may be legit-but, I remain skeptical.
She’s an officeholder at the state level whose positions and track record are well known in Iowa.
If you say she’s good to go, that’s enough for me.
Hold up, now. I’m a NC resident, lol. I meant that since she’s held state level office for a long time, Iowans will know if she’s closer to a Cruz or a Graham.
Her website’s list of policy/issue positions:
Pro life
Pro 2nd Amdmt
Pro Strict interp of Constitution
Pro tax reform (lower taxes, destroy & rebuild IRS)
Pro Balanced Budget Amdmt
Pro free market capitalism
Pro trad marriage (one woman/one fool)
Pro Strong nat’l defense
Pro Israel
That was a very nice thing to say. What a classy site this is.
If Joni gets elected, then I hope whenever she speaks on the Senate floor she is holding a letter opener.
I also suspect that Hillary will keep her distance. ( Though she may encourage Bill to get acquainted. )
Bill has no vital organ in his head; Hillary hasn’t one in her chest.
She can castrate Michelle and Valerie while she’s at it too.
Back in (I think) November, Chris Mathews ( MSNBC fame) did a hit piece on her. Long before she had gained much attention. That alone tells me that the left worries about her and not any of the other ‘6’ people vying for the republican nod. That also tells me I am voting for her.