They’re not really interested in your immigration laws

Even though some meaningful immigration changes could pass Congress, Democrats want full amnesty, and will settle for nothing else.  All other immigration reforms are held hostage to that demand.

Unable to move the Republican House on amnesty (yet), the Obama administration has been going it alone on immigration through unilateral non-enforcement measures.  But that targeted non-enforcement is not enough for Democrats.

It appears that the Executive Branch is going to disregard the Legislative Branch, via The NY Times:

President Obama said Thursday that deportations of illegal immigrants should be more humane, and to make that happen, he has ordered a review of his administration’s enforcement efforts.

Mr. Obama revealed the effort in an Oval Office meeting with Hispanic lawmakers on Thursday afternoon, telling them that he had “deep concern about the pain too many families feel from the separation that comes from our broken immigration system,” according to a White House statement.

Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, Democrat of Illinois, said afterward that it was “clear that the pleas from the community got through to the president.” He added that he and his two colleagues at the meeting — Representative Rubén Hinojosa, Democrat of Texas, and Representative Xavier Becerra, Democrat of California — “were adamant that the president needed to act.”

Mr. Obama — who told the lawmakers that he had ordered Jeh C. Johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security, to conduct the evaluation — is under increasing pressure from Latino advocates to all but suspend aggressive efforts to deport illegal immigrants. Activists and Hispanic lawmakers say the government is ripping families apart by deporting people whose only crime was coming to the country illegally.

Expect unilateral action.

Tags: Immigration