Professors school anti-Israel divestment forum, and get results

The University of Michigan student assembly rejected the anti-Israel divestment resolution pushed by a coalition of student groups.

The greatest contrast during the night was that while the pro-divestment speakers lashed out at Israel with great vitriol, the anti-divestment speakers — many of whom were critical of some Israeli policies — were even-tempered and rational.

This student rejected attempts to pigeonhole black students into an anti-Israel vote:

But the stars of the night were the opening guest speakers.

The pro-divestment group picked Max Blumenthal, who gave a predictably flame-throwing anti-Israel speech.

While anti-Israel advocates on Twitter and in the room were excited by Blumenthal’s tongue lashing of Israel, that excitement dimmed when two real professors took to the stage, one in opposition to the resolution and one selected to give a historical overview.

First up was Michigan State – James Madison College Associate Professor Yael Aronoff, who responded directly to Blumenthal. She spoke somewhat quickly so as to leave time for other guest speakers against the resolution, but basically destroyed Blumenthal by pointing out the one sided presentation and the resolution:

The next speaker was U. Michigan Professor of History Victor Lieberman. Resolution supporters on Twitter were furious with his presentation, which quite accurately reflected the history of Arab rejectionism. While I have some quibbles with his take on international law, by and large his presentation was fair and balanced.

Tags: BDS, Israel, Max Blumenthal