George Will Notes the Democratic Party’s Income Inequality Problem

The Democratic Party has made it clear that they’re planning to run on “income inequality” in 2014. Liberal Washington Post writer Greg Sargent has even suggested this strategy is part of the reason for Senator Harry Reid’s recent attacks on the Koch brothers.

It’s ironic that Democrats, who enjoy support from some of the wealthiest people in the entertainment industry, would choose such a platform but when has intellectual honesty ever stopped them?

Before they go too far with their income inequality campaign, Democrats may want to examine the policies they’ve implemented.

The always astute George Will recently made this observation…

Democrats are making income inequality worse

Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it. So Barack Obama will not temper his enthusiasm for increased equality with lucidity about the government’s role in exacerbating inequality.In the movie “Animal House,” Otter, incensed by the expulsion of his fraternity, says: “I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture.” Such thinking gives us minimum-wage increases that do very little for very few. Meanwhile, there are farm bills, like the one Obama signed last month at Michigan State University.MSU was one of the models for the land-grant colleges created under the 1862 Morrill Act, whose primary purpose was to apply learning to agriculture. Today, we apply crony capitalism to agriculture. The legislation Obama lavishly praised redistributes wealth upward by raising prices consumers pay.

Do read the whole thing.

While it’s true that average Americans have lost wealth and some corporations have gained in recent years, all Americans would be wise to remember which party has enjoyed majority control of government for the last five years.

Allowing liberals to continue picking winners and losers isn’t a logical plan for bringing fairness and prosperity back to our damaged economy.

Democrats would also be wise to acknowledge their connections to wealth and corporate culture. As Glenn Reynolds has often noted, they don’t call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: 2014 Election, Democrats, Economy